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#Identifier | Data Source | Download file | Number of intervals | bp covered | Output type | Genome build | cell type | Biosample type | Biosamples term id | Tissue category | ENCODE Experiment id | Biological replicate(s) | Technical replicate | Antibody | Assay | File format | File size | Release date | Date added to FILER | Data Category | Genomic feature type | Track Description | system category | life stage | trackName |
NGEN024100 | ENCODE | Download | 1,464,031 | 1,464,031 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | A549 | Cell line | EFO:0001086 | Lung | ENCSR000DDI | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 18,745,064 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=A549 treated with 0.02% dimethyl sulfoxide for 7 days;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsA549Dm002p7dHaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Respiratory | Unknown | ENCODE A549 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DDI] [Orig: Biosample_summary=A549 treated with 0.02% dimethyl sulfoxide for 7 days;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsA549Dm002p7dHaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024101 | ENCODE | Download | 1,478,005 | 1,478,005 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | A549 | Cell line | EFO:0001086 | Lung | ENCSR000DDI | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 18,860,023 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=A549 treated with 0.02% dimethyl sulfoxide for 7 days;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsA549Dm002p7dHaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Respiratory | Unknown | ENCODE A549 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DDI] [Orig: Biosample_summary=A549 treated with 0.02% dimethyl sulfoxide for 7 days;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsA549Dm002p7dHaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024102 | ENCODE | Download | 1,233,588 | 1,233,588 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | AG04449 | Cell line | NTR:0000478 | Skin | ENCSR000DGO | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 14,834,712 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=AG04449;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg04449UwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE AG04449 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG04449;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg04449UwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024103 | ENCODE | Download | 1,118,259 | 1,118,259 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | AG04449 | Cell line | NTR:0000478 | Skin | ENCSR000DGO | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 13,804,977 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=AG04449;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg04449UwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE AG04449 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG04449;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg04449UwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024104 | ENCODE | Download | 1,197,546 | 1,197,546 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | AG04450 | Cell line | EFO:0006270 | Lung | ENCSR000DGN | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 13,915,169 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=AG04450;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg04450UwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Respiratory | Unknown | ENCODE AG04450 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGN] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG04450;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg04450UwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024105 | ENCODE | Download | 1,307,167 | 1,307,167 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | AG04450 | Cell line | EFO:0006270 | Lung | ENCSR000DGN | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,442,787 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=AG04450;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg04450UwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Respiratory | Unknown | ENCODE AG04450 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGN] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG04450;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg04450UwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024106 | ENCODE | Download | 1,127,020 | 1,127,020 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | AG09309 | Cell line | NTR:0000479 | Skin | ENCSR000DGM | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 13,892,380 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=AG09309;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg09309UwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE AG09309 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG09309;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg09309UwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024107 | ENCODE | Download | 1,244,829 | 1,244,829 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | AG09309 | Cell line | NTR:0000479 | Skin | ENCSR000DGM | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 15,584,498 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=AG09309;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg09309UwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE AG09309 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG09309;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg09309UwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024108 | ENCODE | Download | 1,084,798 | 1,084,798 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | AG09319 | Cell line | NTR:0000480 | Connective Tissue | ENCSR000DGL | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 12,551,600 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=AG09319;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg09319UwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Skeletal | Unknown | ENCODE AG09319 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGL] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG09319;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg09319UwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024109 | ENCODE | Download | 1,121,442 | 1,121,442 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | AG09319 | Cell line | NTR:0000480 | Connective Tissue | ENCSR000DGL | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 14,060,450 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=AG09319;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg09319UwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Skeletal | Unknown | ENCODE AG09319 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGL] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG09319;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg09319UwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024110 | ENCODE | Download | 1,277,994 | 1,277,994 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | AG10803 | Cell line | NTR:0000481 | Skin | ENCSR000DGK | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 15,389,322 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=AG10803;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg10803UwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE AG10803 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGK] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG10803;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg10803UwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024111 | ENCODE | Download | 1,277,776 | 1,277,776 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | AG10803 | Cell line | NTR:0000481 | Skin | ENCSR000DGK | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 15,968,214 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=AG10803;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg10803UwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE AG10803 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGK] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG10803;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAg10803UwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024112 | ENCODE | Download | 1,088,809 | 1,088,809 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Smooth muscle cell | Primary cell | CL:0002539 | Blood Vessel | ENCSR000DET | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 14,060,784 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Aortic smooth muscle cell;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system,musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAosmcDukeSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Smooth muscle cell;tissue_of_origin=Aortic;pre_origin_deriv_fix_system=Cardiovascular;pre_origin_deriv_fix_tissue=Blood Vessel | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE Smooth muscle cell (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DET] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Aortic smooth muscle cell;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system,musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAosmcDukeSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Smooth muscle cell;tissue_of_origin=Aortic;pre_origin_deriv_fix_system=Cardiovascular;pre_origin_deriv_fix_tissue=Blo |
NGEN024113 | ENCODE | Download | 1,489,629 | 1,489,629 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Smooth muscle cell | Primary cell | CL:0002539 | Blood Vessel | ENCSR000DET | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 19,252,092 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Aortic smooth muscle cell;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system,musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAosmcDukeSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Smooth muscle cell;tissue_of_origin=Aortic;pre_origin_deriv_fix_system=Cardiovascular;pre_origin_deriv_fix_tissue=Blood Vessel | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE Smooth muscle cell (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DET] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Aortic smooth muscle cell;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system,musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsAosmcDukeSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Smooth muscle cell;tissue_of_origin=Aortic;pre_origin_deriv_fix_system=Cardiovascular;pre_origin_deriv_fix_tissue=Blo |
NGEN024114 | ENCODE | Download | 1,234,344 | 1,234,344 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Adrenal gland | Tissue | UBERON:0002369 | Endocrine | ENCSR000DES | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 15,626,543 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Adrenal gland tissue female adult (88 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcadrenalglandh12803nBiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Endocrine | Adult | ENCODE Adrenal gland (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DES] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Adrenal gland tissue female adult (88 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcadrenalglandh12803nBiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024115 | ENCODE | Download | 1,383,584 | 1,383,584 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Adrenal gland | Tissue | UBERON:0002369 | Endocrine | ENCSR000DES | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 17,974,429 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Adrenal gland tissue female adult (88 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcadrenalglandh12803nBiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Endocrine | Adult | ENCODE Adrenal gland (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DES] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Adrenal gland tissue female adult (88 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcadrenalglandh12803nBiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024116 | ENCODE | Download | 1,259,226 | 1,259,226 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Brain | Tissue | UBERON:0000955 | Brain | ENCSR000DER | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 15,699,525 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Brain tissue male adult (66 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=central nervous system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcbrainh11058nBiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Nervous | Adult | ENCODE Brain (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DER] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Brain tissue male adult (66 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=central nervous system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcbrainh11058nBiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024117 | ENCODE | Download | 1,395,498 | 1,395,498 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Brain | Tissue | UBERON:0000955 | Brain | ENCSR000DER | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 17,948,521 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Brain tissue male adult (66 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=central nervous system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcbrainh11058nBiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Nervous | Adult | ENCODE Brain (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DER] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Brain tissue male adult (66 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=central nervous system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcbrainh11058nBiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024118 | ENCODE | Download | 1,290,912 | 1,290,912 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Breast | Tissue | UBERON:0000310 | Breast | ENCSR000DEQ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,281,126 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Breast tissue female adult (21 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcbreast0203015BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Adult | ENCODE Breast (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEQ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Breast tissue female adult (21 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcbreast0203015BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024119 | ENCODE | Download | 1,565,654 | 1,565,654 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Breast | Tissue | UBERON:0000310 | Breast | ENCSR000DEQ | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 19,661,153 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Breast tissue female adult (21 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcbreast0203015BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Adult | ENCODE Breast (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEQ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Breast tissue female adult (21 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcbreast0203015BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024120 | ENCODE | Download | 1,565,215 | 1,565,215 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Kidney | Tissue | UBERON:0002113 | Urinary | ENCSR000DEP | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 19,227,829 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Kidney tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=excretory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBckidney0111002BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Renal | Adult | ENCODE Kidney (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEP] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Kidney tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=excretory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBckidney0111002BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024121 | ENCODE | Download | 2,042,124 | 2,042,124 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Kidney | Tissue | UBERON:0002113 | Urinary | ENCSR000DEP | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 25,441,153 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Kidney tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=excretory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBckidney0111002BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Renal | Adult | ENCODE Kidney (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEP] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Kidney tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=excretory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBckidney0111002BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024122 | ENCODE | Download | 1,395,488 | 1,395,488 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Left ventricle | Tissue | UBERON:0002084 | Heart | ENCSR000DEO | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 17,816,161 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Heart left ventricle tissue male adult (26 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcleftventriclen41BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Adult | ENCODE Left ventricle (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Heart left ventricle tissue male adult (26 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcleftventriclen41BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024123 | ENCODE | Download | 1,365,361 | 1,365,361 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Left ventricle | Tissue | UBERON:0002084 | Heart | ENCSR000DEO | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 17,663,764 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Heart left ventricle tissue male adult (26 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcleftventriclen41BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Adult | ENCODE Left ventricle (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Heart left ventricle tissue male adult (26 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcleftventriclen41BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024124 | ENCODE | Download | 1,222,754 | 1,222,754 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Mononuclear cell | Primary cell | CL:0000842 | Blood | ENCSR000DEN | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 15,956,382 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Mononuclear cell adult (54 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcleukocyteuhn00204BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Adult | ENCODE Mononuclear cell (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEN] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Mononuclear cell adult (54 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcleukocyteuhn00204BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024125 | ENCODE | Download | 1,473,939 | 1,473,939 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Mononuclear cell | Primary cell | CL:0000842 | Blood | ENCSR000DEN | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 19,095,610 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Mononuclear cell adult (54 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcleukocyteuhn00204BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Adult | ENCODE Mononuclear cell (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEN] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Mononuclear cell adult (54 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcleukocyteuhn00204BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024126 | ENCODE | Download | 1,361,472 | 1,361,472 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Liver | Tissue | UBERON:0002107 | Liver | ENCSR000DEM | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,687,652 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Liver tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcliver0111002BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Adult | ENCODE Liver (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Liver tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcliver0111002BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024127 | ENCODE | Download | 1,720,291 | 1,720,291 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Liver | Tissue | UBERON:0002107 | Liver | ENCSR000DEM | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 20,645,800 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Liver tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcliver0111002BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Adult | ENCODE Liver (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Liver tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcliver0111002BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024128 | ENCODE | Download | 1,662,630 | 1,662,630 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Lung | Tissue | UBERON:0002048 | Lung | ENCSR000DEL | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 21,045,551 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Lung tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBclung0111002BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Respiratory | Adult | ENCODE Lung (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEL] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Lung tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBclung0111002BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024129 | ENCODE | Download | 1,384,213 | 1,384,213 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Lung | Tissue | UBERON:0002048 | Lung | ENCSR000DEL | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,873,574 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Lung tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBclung0111002BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Respiratory | Adult | ENCODE Lung (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEL] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Lung tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBclung0111002BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024130 | ENCODE | Download | 1,477,593 | 1,477,593 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Pancreas | Tissue | UBERON:0001264 | Digestive | ENCSR000DEK | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 18,046,242 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Pancreas tissue male adult (71 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcpancreash12817nBiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Adult | ENCODE Pancreas (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEK] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Pancreas tissue male adult (71 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcpancreash12817nBiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024131 | ENCODE | Download | 1,835,998 | 1,835,998 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Pancreas | Tissue | UBERON:0001264 | Digestive | ENCSR000DEK | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 23,200,550 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Pancreas tissue male adult (71 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcpancreash12817nBiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Adult | ENCODE Pancreas (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEK] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Pancreas tissue male adult (71 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcpancreash12817nBiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024132 | ENCODE | Download | 1,301,848 | 1,301,848 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Pericardium | Tissue | UBERON:0002407 | Heart | ENCSR000DEJ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,808,836 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Pericardium tissue female adult (70 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcpericardiumh12529nBiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Adult | ENCODE Pericardium (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEJ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Pericardium tissue female adult (70 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcpericardiumh12529nBiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024133 | ENCODE | Download | 1,428,019 | 1,428,019 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Pericardium | Tissue | UBERON:0002407 | Heart | ENCSR000DEJ | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 18,675,112 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Pericardium tissue female adult (70 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcpericardiumh12529nBiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Adult | ENCODE Pericardium (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEJ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Pericardium tissue female adult (70 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcpericardiumh12529nBiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024134 | ENCODE | Download | 1,250,917 | 1,250,917 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Placenta | Tissue | UBERON:0001987 | Placenta | ENCSR000DEI | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 15,922,782 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Placenta tissue female adult (29 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcplacentauhn00189BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Placental | Adult | ENCODE Placenta (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEI] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Placenta tissue female adult (29 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcplacentauhn00189BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024135 | ENCODE | Download | 1,455,824 | 1,455,824 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Placenta | Tissue | UBERON:0001987 | Placenta | ENCSR000DEI | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 19,021,409 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Placenta tissue female adult (29 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcplacentauhn00189BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Placental | Adult | ENCODE Placenta (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEI] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Placenta tissue female adult (29 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcplacentauhn00189BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024136 | ENCODE | Download | 1,247,662 | 1,247,662 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Skeletal muscle tissue | Tissue | UBERON:0001134 | Skeletal Muscle | ENCSR000DEH | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,072,438 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Skeletal muscle tissue tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcskeletalmuscle0111002BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Muscular | Adult | ENCODE Skeletal muscle tissue (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEH] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Skeletal muscle tissue tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcskeletalmuscle0111002BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024137 | ENCODE | Download | 1,613,054 | 1,613,054 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Skeletal muscle tissue | Tissue | UBERON:0001134 | Skeletal Muscle | ENCSR000DEH | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 20,989,138 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Skeletal muscle tissue tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcskeletalmuscle0111002BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Muscular | Adult | ENCODE Skeletal muscle tissue (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEH] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Skeletal muscle tissue tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcskeletalmuscle0111002BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024138 | ENCODE | Download | 1,308,025 | 1,308,025 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Skeletal muscle tissue | Tissue | UBERON:0001134 | Skeletal Muscle | ENCSR000DEG | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 17,138,917 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Skeletal muscle tissue tissue male adult (71 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcskeletalmuscleh12817nBiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Muscular | Adult | ENCODE Skeletal muscle tissue (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEG] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Skeletal muscle tissue tissue male adult (71 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcskeletalmuscleh12817nBiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024139 | ENCODE | Download | 1,575,742 | 1,575,742 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Skeletal muscle tissue | Tissue | UBERON:0001134 | Skeletal Muscle | ENCSR000DEG | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 21,014,143 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Skeletal muscle tissue tissue male adult (71 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcskeletalmuscleh12817nBiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Muscular | Adult | ENCODE Skeletal muscle tissue (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEG] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Skeletal muscle tissue tissue male adult (71 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcskeletalmuscleh12817nBiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024140 | ENCODE | Download | 1,303,140 | 1,303,140 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Skin | Tissue | UBERON:0000014 | Skin | ENCSR000DEF | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,578,357 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Zone of skin tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcskin0111002BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Adult | ENCODE Skin (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEF] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Zone of skin tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcskin0111002BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024141 | ENCODE | Download | 1,503,188 | 1,503,188 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Skin | Tissue | UBERON:0000014 | Skin | ENCSR000DEF | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 19,615,247 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Zone of skin tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcskin0111002BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Adult | ENCODE Skin (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEF] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Zone of skin tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcskin0111002BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024142 | ENCODE | Download | 1,224,821 | 1,224,821 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Stomach | Tissue | UBERON:0000945 | Digestive | ENCSR000DEE | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 15,875,232 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Stomach tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcstomach0111002BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Adult | ENCODE Stomach (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEE] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Stomach tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcstomach0111002BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024143 | ENCODE | Download | 1,550,248 | 1,550,248 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Stomach | Tissue | UBERON:0000945 | Digestive | ENCSR000DEE | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 20,449,867 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Stomach tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcstomach0111002BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Adult | ENCODE Stomach (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEE] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Stomach tissue female adult (83 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcstomach0111002BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024144 | ENCODE | Download | 1,194,586 | 1,194,586 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Testis | Tissue | UBERON:0000473 | Male Reproductive | ENCSR000DED | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 14,874,674 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Testis tissue male adult (41 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBctestisn30BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Adult | ENCODE Testis (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DED] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Testis tissue male adult (41 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBctestisn30BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024145 | ENCODE | Download | 1,425,414 | 1,425,414 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Testis | Tissue | UBERON:0000473 | Male Reproductive | ENCSR000DED | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 18,092,276 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Testis tissue male adult (41 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBctestisn30BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Adult | ENCODE Testis (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DED] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Testis tissue male adult (41 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBctestisn30BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024146 | ENCODE | Download | 1,410,026 | 1,410,026 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Uterus | Tissue | UBERON:0000995 | Female Reproductive | ENCSR000DEC | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 18,051,782 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Uterus tissue female adult (44 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcuterusbn0765BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Adult | ENCODE Uterus (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEC] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Uterus tissue female adult (44 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcuterusbn0765BiochainSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024147 | ENCODE | Download | 1,403,934 | 1,403,934 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Uterus | Tissue | UBERON:0000995 | Female Reproductive | ENCSR000DEC | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 18,011,287 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Uterus tissue female adult (44 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcuterusbn0765BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Adult | ENCODE Uterus (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEC] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Uterus tissue female adult (44 years);Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBcuterusbn0765BiochainSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Adult] |
NGEN024148 | ENCODE | Download | 1,334,522 | 1,334,522 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | BE2C | Cell line | EFO:0005725 | Brain | ENCSR000DEB | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 15,474,160 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=BE2C;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=central nervous system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBe2cHaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Nervous | Unknown | ENCODE BE2C (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEB] [Orig: Biosample_summary=BE2C;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=central nervous system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBe2cHaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024149 | ENCODE | Download | 1,323,562 | 1,323,562 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | BE2C | Cell line | EFO:0005725 | Brain | ENCSR000DEB | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,390,807 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=BE2C;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=central nervous system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBe2cHaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Nervous | Unknown | ENCODE BE2C (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEB] [Orig: Biosample_summary=BE2C;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=central nervous system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBe2cHaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024150 | ENCODE | Download | 1,100,866 | 1,100,866 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | BJ | Cell line | EFO:0002779 | Connective Tissue | ENCSR000DEA | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 13,423,700 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=BJ;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBjUwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Skeletal | Unknown | ENCODE BJ (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEA] [Orig: Biosample_summary=BJ;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBjUwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024151 | ENCODE | Download | 1,335,739 | 1,335,739 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | BJ | Cell line | EFO:0002779 | Connective Tissue | ENCSR000DEA | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,772,948 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=BJ;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBjUwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Skeletal | Unknown | ENCODE BJ (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEA] [Orig: Biosample_summary=BJ;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsBjUwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024152 | ENCODE | Download | 1,429,883 | 1,429,883 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Caco-2 | Cell line | EFO:0001099 | Digestive | ENCSR000DDO | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 17,906,082 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Caco-2;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsCaco2UwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE Caco-2 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DDO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Caco-2;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsCaco2UwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024153 | ENCODE | Download | 1,284,485 | 1,284,485 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Caco-2 | Cell line | EFO:0001099 | Digestive | ENCSR000DDO | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,277,331 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Caco-2;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsCaco2UwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE Caco-2 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DDO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Caco-2;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsCaco2UwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024154 | ENCODE | Download | 1,322,282 | 1,322,282 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | CMK | Cell line | EFO:0003037 | Blood | ENCSR000DGJ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 14,744,626 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=CMK;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=skeletal system,immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsCmkUwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE CMK (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGJ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=CMK;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=skeletal system,immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsCmkUwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024155 | ENCODE | Download | 1,355,447 | 1,355,447 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | CMK | Cell line | EFO:0003037 | Blood | ENCSR000DGJ | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,704,423 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=CMK;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=skeletal system,immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsCmkUwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE CMK (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGJ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=CMK;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=skeletal system,immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsCmkUwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024156 | ENCODE | Download | 1,516,491 | 1,516,491 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Ishikawa | Cell line | EFO:0005718 | Female Reproductive | ENCSR000DDZ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 19,307,072 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Ishikawa;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsEcc1HaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Unknown | ENCODE Ishikawa (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DDZ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Ishikawa;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsEcc1HaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024157 | ENCODE | Download | 1,448,155 | 1,448,155 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Ishikawa | Cell line | EFO:0005718 | Female Reproductive | ENCSR000DDZ | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 18,553,240 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Ishikawa;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsEcc1HaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Unknown | ENCODE Ishikawa (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DDZ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Ishikawa;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsEcc1HaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024158 | ENCODE | Download | 974,801 | 974,801 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | AG08470 | Cell line | NTR:0000482 | Skin | ENCSR000DGI | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 11,963,216 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=AG08470;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsFibroblDukeSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE AG08470 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGI] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG08470;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsFibroblDukeSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024159 | ENCODE | Download | 1,333,722 | 1,333,722 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | AG08470 | Cell line | NTR:0000482 | Skin | ENCSR000DGI | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,959,692 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=AG08470;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsFibroblDukeSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE AG08470 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGI] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG08470;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsFibroblDukeSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024160 | ENCODE | Download | 1,073,760 | 1,073,760 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | GM06990 | Cell line | EFO:0002783 | Blood | ENCSR000DDN | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 13,248,841 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=GM06990;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm06990UwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM06990 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DDN] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM06990;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm06990UwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024161 | ENCODE | Download | 1,432,014 | 1,432,014 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | GM06990 | Cell line | EFO:0002783 | Blood | ENCSR000DDN | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 18,198,469 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=GM06990;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm06990UwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM06990 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DDN] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM06990;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm06990UwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024162 | ENCODE | Download | 1,286,616 | 1,286,616 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | GM12878 | Cell line | EFO:0002784 | Blood | ENCSR000DFT | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 15,573,941 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=GM12878;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm12878HaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DFT] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12878;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm12878HaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024163 | ENCODE | Download | 1,245,150 | 1,245,150 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | GM12878 | Cell line | EFO:0002784 | Blood | ENCSR000DFT | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 15,087,652 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=GM12878;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm12878HaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DFT] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12878;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm12878HaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024164 | ENCODE | Download | 1,338,055 | 1,338,055 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | GM12878 | Cell line | EFO:0002784 | Blood | ENCSR000DEY | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,733,618 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=GM12878;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm12878ximatHaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEY] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12878;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm12878ximatHaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024165 | ENCODE | Download | 1,206,973 | 1,206,973 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | GM12878 | Cell line | EFO:0002784 | Blood | ENCSR000DEY | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 15,062,213 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=GM12878;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm12878ximatHaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DEY] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12878;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm12878ximatHaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024166 | ENCODE | Download | 1,161,221 | 1,161,221 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | GM12891 | Cell line | EFO:0002785 | Blood | ENCSR000DFO | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 13,789,839 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=GM12891;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm12891HaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12891 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DFO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12891;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm12891HaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024167 | ENCODE | Download | 1,143,271 | 1,143,271 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | GM12891 | Cell line | EFO:0002785 | Blood | ENCSR000DFO | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 13,946,491 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=GM12891;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm12891HaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12891 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DFO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12891;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm12891HaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024168 | ENCODE | Download | 1,108,543 | 1,108,543 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | GM12892 | Cell line | EFO:0002786 | Blood | ENCSR000DFN | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 13,261,008 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=GM12892;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm12892HaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12892 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DFN] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12892;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm12892HaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024169 | ENCODE | Download | 1,117,687 | 1,117,687 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | GM12892 | Cell line | EFO:0002786 | Blood | ENCSR000DFN | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 13,345,687 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=GM12892;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm12892HaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12892 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DFN] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12892;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm12892HaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024170 | ENCODE | Download | 1,321,587 | 1,321,587 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | GM19239 | Cell line | EFO:0002789 | Blood | ENCSR000DGH | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,068,585 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=GM19239;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm19239DukeSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM19239 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGH] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM19239;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm19239DukeSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024171 | ENCODE | Download | 960,299 | 960,299 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | GM19239 | Cell line | EFO:0002789 | Blood | ENCSR000DGH | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 11,379,068 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=GM19239;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm19239DukeSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM19239 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGH] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM19239;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm19239DukeSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024172 | ENCODE | Download | 1,198,729 | 1,198,729 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | GM19240 | Cell line | EFO:0002790 | Blood | ENCSR000DGG | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 13,491,128 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=GM19240;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm19240DukeSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM19240 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGG] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM19240;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm19240DukeSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024173 | ENCODE | Download | 1,418,189 | 1,418,189 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | GM19240 | Cell line | EFO:0002790 | Blood | ENCSR000DGG | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 17,185,177 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=GM19240;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm19240DukeSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM19240 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGG] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM19240;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsGm19240DukeSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024174 | ENCODE | Download | 1,288,079 | 1,288,079 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | H1-hESC | Stem cell | EFO:0003042 | Embryo | ENCSR000DFM | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 14,194,793 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=H1;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsH1hescHaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;old_system_category=Stem Cell;premapping_cell_type=H1-hESC;tissue_of_origin=Embryo;old_tissue_category=Stem Cell;old_biosample_type=Cell line;old_life_stage=Stem Cell | Embryo | Embryonic | ENCODE H1-hESC (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DFM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=H1;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsH1hescHaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;old_system_category=Stem Cell;premapping_cell_type=H1-hESC;tissue_of_origin=Embryo;old_tissue_category=Stem Cell;old_biosample_type=Cell line;old_life_stage=Stem Cell] [Life stage: Embryonic] |
NGEN024175 | ENCODE | Download | 1,302,577 | 1,302,577 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | H1-hESC | Stem cell | EFO:0003042 | Embryo | ENCSR000DFM | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 15,838,000 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=H1;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsH1hescHaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;old_system_category=Stem Cell;premapping_cell_type=H1-hESC;tissue_of_origin=Embryo;old_tissue_category=Stem Cell;old_biosample_type=Cell line;old_life_stage=Stem Cell | Embryo | Embryonic | ENCODE H1-hESC (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DFM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=H1;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsH1hescHaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;old_system_category=Stem Cell;premapping_cell_type=H1-hESC;tissue_of_origin=Embryo;old_tissue_category=Stem Cell;old_biosample_type=Cell line;old_life_stage=Stem Cell] [Life stage: Embryonic] |
NGEN024176 | ENCODE | Download | 1,067,740 | 1,067,740 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Epithelial cell | Primary cell | CL:0002536 | Embryo | ENCSR000DGF | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 12,209,210 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Amniotic epithelial cell;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHaeUwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;previous_filer_cell_type=Amniotic epithelial cell;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Epithelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Amniotic | Embryo | Embryonic | ENCODE Epithelial cell (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGF] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Amniotic epithelial cell;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHaeUwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;previous_filer_cell_type=Amniotic epithelial cell;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Epithelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Amniotic] [Life stage: Embryonic] |
NGEN024177 | ENCODE | Download | 1,112,860 | 1,112,860 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Epithelial cell | Primary cell | CL:0002536 | Embryo | ENCSR000DGF | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 13,758,688 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Amniotic epithelial cell;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHaeUwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;previous_filer_cell_type=Amniotic epithelial cell;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Epithelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Amniotic | Embryo | Embryonic | ENCODE Epithelial cell (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGF] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Amniotic epithelial cell;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHaeUwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;previous_filer_cell_type=Amniotic epithelial cell;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Epithelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Amniotic] [Life stage: Embryonic] |
NGEN024178 | ENCODE | Download | 960,979 | 960,979 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Fibroblast | Primary cell | CL:0002548 | Heart | ENCSR000DGE | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 10,742,065 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Cardiac fibroblast;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHcfUwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;previous_filer_cell_type=Cardiac fibroblast;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Fibroblast;tissue_of_origin=Cardiac | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE Fibroblast (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGE] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Cardiac fibroblast;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHcfUwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;previous_filer_cell_type=Cardiac fibroblast;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Fibroblast;tissue_of_origin=Cardiac] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024179 | ENCODE | Download | 1,164,036 | 1,164,036 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Fibroblast | Primary cell | CL:0002548 | Heart | ENCSR000DGE | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 14,323,345 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Cardiac fibroblast;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHcfUwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;previous_filer_cell_type=Cardiac fibroblast;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Fibroblast;tissue_of_origin=Cardiac | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE Fibroblast (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGE] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Cardiac fibroblast;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHcfUwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;previous_filer_cell_type=Cardiac fibroblast;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Fibroblast;tissue_of_origin=Cardiac] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024180 | ENCODE | Download | 1,351,847 | 1,351,847 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Cardiac muscle cell | Primary cell | CL:0000746 | Heart | ENCSR000DGD | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 15,448,570 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Cardiac muscle cell;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system,musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHcmUwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE Cardiac muscle cell (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGD] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Cardiac muscle cell;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system,musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHcmUwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024181 | ENCODE | Download | 1,266,646 | 1,266,646 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Cardiac muscle cell | Primary cell | CL:0000746 | Heart | ENCSR000DGD | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,014,200 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Cardiac muscle cell;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system,musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHcmUwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE Cardiac muscle cell (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGD] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Cardiac muscle cell;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system,musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHcmUwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024182 | ENCODE | Download | 1,215,098 | 1,215,098 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Epithelial cell | Primary cell | CL:0000706 | Brain | ENCSR000DFJ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 13,580,340 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Choroid plexus epithelial cell;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system,central nervous system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHcpeUwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;previous_filer_cell_type=Choroid plexus epithelial cell;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Epithelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Choroid plexus | Nervous | Unknown | ENCODE Epithelial cell (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DFJ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Choroid plexus epithelial cell;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system,central nervous system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHcpeUwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;previous_filer_cell_type=Choroid plexus epithelial cell;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Epithelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Choroid plexus] [L |
NGEN024183 | ENCODE | Download | 1,197,498 | 1,197,498 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Epithelial cell | Primary cell | CL:0000706 | Brain | ENCSR000DFJ | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 14,771,531 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Choroid plexus epithelial cell;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system,central nervous system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHcpeUwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;previous_filer_cell_type=Choroid plexus epithelial cell;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Epithelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Choroid plexus | Nervous | Unknown | ENCODE Epithelial cell (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DFJ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Choroid plexus epithelial cell;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=circulatory system,central nervous system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHcpeUwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;previous_filer_cell_type=Choroid plexus epithelial cell;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Epithelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Choroid plexus] [L |
NGEN024184 | ENCODE | Download | 1,002,541 | 1,002,541 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | HCT116 | Cell line | EFO:0002824 | Digestive | ENCSR000DFS | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 11,415,571 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=HCT116;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHct116StanfordSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE HCT116 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DFS] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HCT116;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHct116StanfordSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024185 | ENCODE | Download | 1,262,749 | 1,262,749 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | HCT116 | Cell line | EFO:0002824 | Digestive | ENCSR000DFS | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 15,475,050 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=HCT116;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHct116StanfordSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE HCT116 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DFS] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HCT116;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHct116StanfordSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024186 | ENCODE | Download | 1,135,103 | 1,135,103 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Epithelial cell | Primary cell | CL:0002252 | Digestive | ENCSR000DGC | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 12,808,174 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Epithelial cell of esophagus;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHeeUwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;previous_filer_cell_type=Epithelial cell of esophagus;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Epithelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Esophagus | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE Epithelial cell (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGC] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Epithelial cell of esophagus;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHeeUwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;previous_filer_cell_type=Epithelial cell of esophagus;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Epithelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Esophagus] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024187 | ENCODE | Download | 1,133,014 | 1,133,014 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Epithelial cell | Primary cell | CL:0002252 | Digestive | ENCSR000DGC | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 14,078,719 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Epithelial cell of esophagus;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHeeUwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;previous_filer_cell_type=Epithelial cell of esophagus;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Epithelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Esophagus | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE Epithelial cell (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DGC] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Epithelial cell of esophagus;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHeeUwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;previous_filer_cell_type=Epithelial cell of esophagus;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;premapping_cell_type=Epithelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Esophagus] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024188 | ENCODE | Download | 1,391,602 | 1,391,602 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | HEK293 | Cell line | EFO:0001182 | Kidney | ENCSR794HFF | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,986,946 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=HEK293;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=excretory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHek293StanfordSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Renal | Unknown | ENCODE HEK293 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR794HFF] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HEK293;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=excretory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHek293StanfordSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024189 | ENCODE | Download | 1,256,037 | 1,256,037 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | HEK293 | Cell line | EFO:0001182 | Kidney | ENCSR794HFF | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 15,636,145 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=HEK293;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=excretory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHek293StanfordSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Renal | Unknown | ENCODE HEK293 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR794HFF] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HEK293;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=excretory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHek293StanfordSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024190 | ENCODE | Download | 1,139,288 | 1,139,288 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | HEK293 | Cell line | EFO:0001182 | Kidney | ENCSR087IEW | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 13,453,836 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=HEK293;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=excretory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHek293UwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Renal | Unknown | ENCODE HEK293 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR087IEW] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HEK293;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=excretory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHek293UwSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024191 | ENCODE | Download | 1,089,050 | 1,089,050 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | HEK293 | Cell line | EFO:0001182 | Kidney | ENCSR087IEW | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 13,472,394 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=HEK293;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=excretory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHek293UwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Renal | Unknown | ENCODE HEK293 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR087IEW] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HEK293;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=excretory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHek293UwSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=12/15/2010;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024192 | ENCODE | Download | 1,468,537 | 1,468,537 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | HeLa-S3 | Cell line | EFO:0002791 | Female Reproductive | ENCSR000DFL | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,523,572 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=HeLa-S3;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHelas3HaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Unknown | ENCODE HeLa-S3 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DFL] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HeLa-S3;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHelas3HaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024193 | ENCODE | Download | 1,273,155 | 1,273,155 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | HeLa-S3 | Cell line | EFO:0002791 | Female Reproductive | ENCSR000DFL | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 15,296,226 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=HeLa-S3;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHelas3HaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Unknown | ENCODE HeLa-S3 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DFL] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HeLa-S3;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHelas3HaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024194 | ENCODE | Download | 1,277,044 | 1,277,044 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Hepatocyte | Primary cell | CL:0000182 | Liver | ENCSR000DDX | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,121,622 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Hepatocyte;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHepatocytesDukeSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE Hepatocyte (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DDX] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Hepatocyte;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHepatocytesDukeSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024195 | ENCODE | Download | 1,305,476 | 1,305,476 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | Hepatocyte | Primary cell | CL:0000182 | Liver | ENCSR000DDX | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,386,959 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=Hepatocyte;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHepatocytesDukeSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE Hepatocyte (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR000DDX] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Hepatocyte;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHepatocytesDukeSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024196 | ENCODE | Download | 1,258,968 | 1,258,968 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | HepG2 | Cell line | EFO:0001187 | Liver | ENCSR592WWM | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 15,570,923 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=HepG2;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHepg2DukeSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR592WWM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HepG2;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHepg2DukeSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024197 | ENCODE | Download | 1,199,017 | 1,199,017 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | HepG2 | Cell line | EFO:0001187 | Liver | ENCSR592WWM | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 14,868,360 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=HepG2;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHepg2DukeSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR592WWM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HepG2;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHepg2DukeSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024198 | ENCODE | Download | 1,343,926 | 1,343,926 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | HepG2 | Cell line | EFO:0001187 | Liver | ENCSR530RCY | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 16,110,645 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=HepG2;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHepg2HaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR530RCY] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HepG2;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHepg2HaibSitesRep1.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024199 | ENCODE | Download | 1,163,688 | 1,163,688 | methylation state at CpG | hg19 | HepG2 | Cell line | EFO:0001187 | Liver | ENCSR530RCY | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RRBS | bed bedMethyl | 13,950,174 | 8/31/11 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | RRBS methylation state at CpG | Biosample_summary=HepG2;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHepg2HaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 2) RRBS methylation state at CpG (bedMethyl) [Experiment: ENCSR530RCY] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HepG2;Lab=Richard Myers, HAIB;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeHaibMethylRrbsHepg2HaibSitesRep2.bed.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=09/30/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
Showing records 1 to 100 out of 216
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