Deploying FILER

FILER supports installation on a local server or cloud of a full copy of all FILER tracks or of a custom subset of FILER data. For steps/instructions, please see corresponding sections on deploying a full copy of FILER or deploying of a custom subset. Please also refer to the Hardware and Software sections for requirements/prerequisites for a successful installation.

FILER code repository ( provides the scripts and instructions necessary to deploy all of the FILER or a subset of FILER tracks on a local server or cloud computing instance.


FILER metadata (including download URLs) are available in the templated metadata format (TSV):

Latest GRCh38/hg38 data

Latest GRCh37/hg19 data

Latest hg38-lifted data

Please refer to the FILER_v1_metadata_schema.xlsx [XLS spreadsheet; April 2021; 14KB] for the description of the metadata fields.

Use <target_dir> <templated_metadata> <config_file> to install FILER locally on your system. The script will first download all the tracks specified in the templated metadata file into the target directory and then Giggle-index them. Note that templated metadata can be custom-filtered/subsetted to include only the tracks of interest.