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#Identifier | Data Source | Download file | Number of intervals | bp covered | Output type | Genome build | cell type | Biosample type | Biosamples term id | Tissue category | ENCODE Experiment id | Biological replicate(s) | Technical replicate | Antibody | Assay | File format | File size | Release date | Date added to FILER | Data Category | Genomic feature type | Track Description | system category | life stage | trackName |
NGEN023906 | ENCODE | Download | 1,108,446 | 99,122,153 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | GM12878 | Cell line | EFO:0002784 | Blood | ENCSR000AWO | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 13,532,169 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=GM12878;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsGm12878CellTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12878;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsGm12878CellTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023907 | ENCODE | Download | 963,573 | 79,221,178 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | GM12878 | Cell line | EFO:0002784 | Blood | ENCSR000AWK | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 11,742,650 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=GM12878 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsGm12878CytosolLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWK] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12878 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsGm12878CytosolLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023908 | ENCODE | Download | 1,152,131 | 109,119,718 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | GM12878 | Cell line | EFO:0002784 | Blood | ENCSR000AWY | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 14,051,807 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=GM12878 nucleolus fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsGm12878NucleolusTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=10/02/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWY] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12878 nucleolus fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsGm12878NucleolusTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=10/02/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023909 | ENCODE | Download | 1,045,378 | 108,109,868 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | GM12878 | Cell line | EFO:0002784 | Blood | ENCSR000AWA | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 12,977,038 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=GM12878 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsGm12878CytosolLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWA] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12878 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsGm12878CytosolLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023910 | ENCODE | Download | 1,441,695 | 155,684,376 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | GM12878 | Cell line | EFO:0002784 | Blood | ENCSR000AWB | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 17,554,398 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=GM12878 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsGm12878NucleusLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWB] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12878 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsGm12878NucleusLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023911 | ENCODE | Download | 1,393,852 | 145,702,780 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | GM12878 | Cell line | EFO:0002784 | Blood | ENCSR000AWP | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 17,180,823 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=GM12878 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsGm12878NucleusLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWP] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12878 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsGm12878NucleusLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023912 | ENCODE | Download | 862,733 | 74,124,212 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | HepG2 | Cell line | EFO:0001187 | Liver | ENCSR000AWQ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 10,548,571 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=HepG2 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsHepg2CytosolLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWQ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HepG2 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsHepg2CytosolLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023913 | ENCODE | Download | 958,033 | 91,556,462 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | HepG2 | Cell line | EFO:0001187 | Liver | ENCSR000AWR | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 11,899,316 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=HepG2 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsHepg2CytosolLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWR] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HepG2 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsHepg2CytosolLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023914 | ENCODE | Download | 1,144,284 | 103,145,838 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | HepG2 | Cell line | EFO:0001187 | Liver | ENCSR000AWZ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 13,976,706 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=HepG2 nucleolus fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsHepg2NucleolusTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=10/02/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWZ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HepG2 nucleolus fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsHepg2NucleolusTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=10/02/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023915 | ENCODE | Download | 1,558,814 | 155,213,694 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | HepG2 | Cell line | EFO:0001187 | Liver | ENCSR000AWW | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 18,982,062 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=HepG2 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsHepg2NucleusLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=10/02/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWW] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HepG2 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsHepg2NucleusLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=10/02/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023916 | ENCODE | Download | 1,532,421 | 166,610,677 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | HepG2 | Cell line | EFO:0001187 | Liver | ENCSR000AWX | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 18,872,353 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=HepG2 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsHepg2NucleusLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=10/02/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWX] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HepG2 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsHepg2NucleusLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=10/02/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023917 | ENCODE | Download | 901,130 | 85,718,590 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000AWJ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 11,060,975 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=K562;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsK562CellTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWJ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsK562CellTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023918 | ENCODE | Download | 1,652,041 | 209,173,855 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000AWL | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 20,436,858 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=K562 chromatin fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsK562ChromatinTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWL] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 chromatin fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsK562ChromatinTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023919 | ENCODE | Download | 1,471,952 | 164,744,394 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000AWN | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 18,046,156 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=K562 nucleolus fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsK562NucleolusTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWN] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 nucleolus fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsK562NucleolusTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023920 | ENCODE | Download | 1,725,744 | 219,650,235 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000AWM | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 21,344,099 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=K562 nucleoplasmic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsK562NucleoplasmTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 nucleoplasmic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsK562NucleoplasmTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023921 | ENCODE | Download | 1,330,277 | 136,040,208 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000AWF | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 16,196,797 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=K562 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsK562NucleusLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWF] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsK562NucleusLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023922 | ENCODE | Download | 1,468,724 | 163,610,332 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000AWG | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 17,991,158 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=K562 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsK562NucleusLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWG] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsK562NucleusLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023923 | ENCODE | Download | 1,341,557 | 129,419,419 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000AWC | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 16,390,819 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=K562 polysomic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsK562PolysomeLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWC] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 polysomic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsK562PolysomeLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023924 | ENCODE | Download | 784,692 | 62,361,132 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | Keratinocyte | Primary cell | CL:0000312 | Skin | ENCSR000AWS | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 9,575,269 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte cytosolic fraction female;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsKeratinocyteCytosolLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE Keratinocyte (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWS] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte cytosolic fraction female;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsKeratinocyteCytosolLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023925 | ENCODE | Download | 1,001,145 | 93,856,823 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | Keratinocyte | Primary cell | CL:0000312 | Skin | ENCSR000AWT | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 12,376,787 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte cytosolic fraction female;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsKeratinocyteCytosolLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE Keratinocyte (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWT] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte cytosolic fraction female;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsKeratinocyteCytosolLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023926 | ENCODE | Download | 1,173,066 | 102,404,449 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | Keratinocyte | Primary cell | CL:0000312 | Skin | ENCSR000AWU | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 14,289,523 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte nuclear fraction female;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsKeratinocyteNucleusLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE Keratinocyte (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWU] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte nuclear fraction female;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsKeratinocyteNucleusLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023927 | ENCODE | Download | 1,214,925 | 117,173,217 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | Keratinocyte | Primary cell | CL:0000312 | Skin | ENCSR000AWV | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 15,033,135 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte nuclear fraction female;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsKeratinocyteNucleusLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE Keratinocyte (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWV] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte nuclear fraction female;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsKeratinocyteNucleusLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023928 | ENCODE | Download | 1,001,300 | 84,845,481 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | GM12878 | Cell line | EFO:0002784 | Blood | ENCSR000AWK | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 12,206,706 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=GM12878 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsGm12878CytosolLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWK] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12878 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsGm12878CytosolLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023929 | ENCODE | Download | 1,162,912 | 107,885,003 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | GM12878 | Cell line | EFO:0002784 | Blood | ENCSR000AWO | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 14,200,238 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=GM12878;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsGm12878CellTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12878;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsGm12878CellTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023930 | ENCODE | Download | 1,093,361 | 117,895,080 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | GM12878 | Cell line | EFO:0002784 | Blood | ENCSR000AWA | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 13,570,925 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=GM12878 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsGm12878CytosolLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWA] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12878 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsGm12878CytosolLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023931 | ENCODE | Download | 1,139,771 | 102,114,783 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | Prostate gland | Tissue | UBERON:0002367 | Male Reproductive | ENCSR000AWH | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 13,895,668 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=Prostate gland tissue male;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsProstateCellLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Unknown | ENCODE Prostate gland (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWH] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Prostate gland tissue male;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsProstateCellLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023932 | ENCODE | Download | 1,135,857 | 117,074,402 | filtered transcribed fragments | hg19 | Prostate gland | Tissue | UBERON:0002367 | Male Reproductive | ENCSR000AWI | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 14,002,399 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=Prostate gland tissue male;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsProstateCellLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Unknown | ENCODE Prostate gland (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] filtered transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWI] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Prostate gland tissue male;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipFiltTransfragsProstateCellLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023933 | ENCODE | Download | 1,208,459 | 118,429,242 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | GM12878 | Cell line | EFO:0002784 | Blood | ENCSR000AWY | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 14,740,815 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=GM12878 nucleolus fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsGm12878NucleolusTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=10/02/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWY] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12878 nucleolus fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsGm12878NucleolusTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=10/02/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023934 | ENCODE | Download | 1,481,731 | 165,302,782 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | GM12878 | Cell line | EFO:0002784 | Blood | ENCSR000AWB | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 18,047,135 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=GM12878 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsGm12878NucleusLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWB] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12878 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsGm12878NucleusLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023935 | ENCODE | Download | 1,461,974 | 158,780,657 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | GM12878 | Cell line | EFO:0002784 | Blood | ENCSR000AWP | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 18,022,898 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=GM12878 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsGm12878NucleusLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWP] [Orig: Biosample_summary=GM12878 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsGm12878NucleusLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023936 | ENCODE | Download | 895,367 | 80,049,072 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | HepG2 | Cell line | EFO:0001187 | Liver | ENCSR000AWQ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 10,953,524 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=HepG2 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsHepg2CytosolLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWQ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HepG2 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsHepg2CytosolLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023937 | ENCODE | Download | 999,837 | 99,822,398 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | HepG2 | Cell line | EFO:0001187 | Liver | ENCSR000AWR | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 12,418,530 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=HepG2 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsHepg2CytosolLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWR] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HepG2 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsHepg2CytosolLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023938 | ENCODE | Download | 1,205,014 | 112,511,733 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | HepG2 | Cell line | EFO:0001187 | Liver | ENCSR000AWZ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 14,719,385 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=HepG2 nucleolus fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsHepg2NucleolusTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=10/02/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWZ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HepG2 nucleolus fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsHepg2NucleolusTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=10/02/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023939 | ENCODE | Download | 1,638,522 | 168,467,431 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | HepG2 | Cell line | EFO:0001187 | Liver | ENCSR000AWW | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 19,956,756 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=HepG2 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsHepg2NucleusLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=10/02/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWW] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HepG2 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsHepg2NucleusLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=10/02/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023940 | ENCODE | Download | 1,609,265 | 181,958,620 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | HepG2 | Cell line | EFO:0001187 | Liver | ENCSR000AWX | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 19,821,981 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=HepG2 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsHepg2NucleusLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=10/02/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWX] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HepG2 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsHepg2NucleusLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=10/02/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023941 | ENCODE | Download | 948,087 | 94,940,228 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000AWJ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 11,641,467 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=K562;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsK562CellTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWJ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsK562CellTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023942 | ENCODE | Download | 1,732,694 | 230,071,730 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000AWL | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 21,439,328 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=K562 chromatin fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsK562ChromatinTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWL] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 chromatin fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsK562ChromatinTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023943 | ENCODE | Download | 1,548,330 | 181,959,756 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000AWN | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 18,992,296 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=K562 nucleolus fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsK562NucleolusTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWN] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 nucleolus fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsK562NucleolusTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023944 | ENCODE | Download | 1,805,420 | 239,394,381 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000AWM | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 22,334,563 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=K562 nucleoplasmic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsK562NucleoplasmTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 nucleoplasmic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsK562NucleoplasmTotal.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023945 | ENCODE | Download | 1,401,067 | 149,934,074 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000AWF | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 17,072,593 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=K562 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsK562NucleusLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWF] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsK562NucleusLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023946 | ENCODE | Download | 1,541,334 | 179,931,447 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000AWG | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 18,885,882 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=K562 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsK562NucleusLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWG] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 nuclear fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsK562NucleusLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023947 | ENCODE | Download | 1,405,095 | 142,238,272 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000AWC | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 17,171,102 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=K562 polysomic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsK562PolysomeLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWC] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 polysomic fraction;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsK562PolysomeLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023948 | ENCODE | Download | 811,432 | 66,639,114 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | Keratinocyte | Primary cell | CL:0000312 | Skin | ENCSR000AWS | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 9,905,233 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte cytosolic fraction female;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsKeratinocyteCytosolLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE Keratinocyte (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWS] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte cytosolic fraction female;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsKeratinocyteCytosolLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023949 | ENCODE | Download | 1,039,345 | 101,277,052 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | Keratinocyte | Primary cell | CL:0000312 | Skin | ENCSR000AWT | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 12,848,285 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte cytosolic fraction female;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsKeratinocyteCytosolLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE Keratinocyte (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWT] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte cytosolic fraction female;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsKeratinocyteCytosolLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023950 | ENCODE | Download | 1,227,524 | 109,954,576 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | Keratinocyte | Primary cell | CL:0000312 | Skin | ENCSR000AWU | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 14,953,351 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte nuclear fraction female;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsKeratinocyteNucleusLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE Keratinocyte (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWU] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte nuclear fraction female;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsKeratinocyteNucleusLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023951 | ENCODE | Download | 1,272,328 | 127,420,928 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | Keratinocyte | Primary cell | CL:0000312 | Skin | ENCSR000AWV | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 15,744,689 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte nuclear fraction female;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsKeratinocyteNucleusLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE Keratinocyte (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWV] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte nuclear fraction female;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsKeratinocyteNucleusLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023952 | ENCODE | Download | 1,191,524 | 110,104,233 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | Prostate gland | Tissue | UBERON:0002367 | Male Reproductive | ENCSR000AWH | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 14,529,344 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=Prostate gland tissue male;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsProstateCellLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Unknown | ENCODE Prostate gland (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWH] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Prostate gland tissue male;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsProstateCellLongnonpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023953 | ENCODE | Download | 1,184,960 | 127,178,715 | transcribed fragments | hg19 | Prostate gland | Tissue | UBERON:0002367 | Male Reproductive | ENCSR000AWI | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed broadPeak | 14,610,245 | 11/24/08 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments | Biosample_summary=Prostate gland tissue male;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsProstateCellLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Unknown | ENCODE Prostate gland (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] transcribed fragments (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000AWI] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Prostate gland tissue male;Lab=Thomas Gingeras, CSHL;System=reproductive system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeAffyRnaChipTransfragsProstateCellLongpolya.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=07/06/2009;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023954 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | A549 | Cell line | EFO:0001086 | Lung | ENCSR000BFB | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 798,859 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=A549;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonA549SimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Respiratory | Unknown | ENCODE A549 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFB] [Orig: Biosample_summary=A549;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonA549SimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023955 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | A549 | Cell line | EFO:0001086 | Lung | ENCSR000BFB | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 799,414 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=A549;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonA549SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Respiratory | Unknown | ENCODE A549 (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFB] [Orig: Biosample_summary=A549;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonA549SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023956 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | COLO-829 | Cell line | EFO:0002140 | Skin | ENCSR000BFC | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 801,186 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=COLO829;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonColo829SimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE COLO-829 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFC] [Orig: Biosample_summary=COLO829;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonColo829SimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023957 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | COLO-829 | Cell line | EFO:0002140 | Skin | ENCSR000BFC | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 799,225 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=COLO829;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonColo829SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE COLO-829 (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFC] [Orig: Biosample_summary=COLO829;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonColo829SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023958 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | AG08395 | Cell line | NTR:0000483 | Skin | ENCSR000BFQ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 801,094 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=AG08395;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonFibropag08395SimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE AG08395 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFQ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG08395;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonFibropag08395SimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023959 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | AG08395 | Cell line | NTR:0000483 | Skin | ENCSR000BFQ | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 799,237 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=AG08395;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonFibropag08395SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE AG08395 (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFQ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG08395;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonFibropag08395SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023960 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | AG08395 | Cell line | NTR:0000483 | Skin | ENCSR000BFQ | 3 | 3_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 799,390 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=AG08395;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonFibropag08395SimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE AG08395 (repl. 3) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFQ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG08395;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonFibropag08395SimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023961 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | AG08396 | Cell line | NTR:0000484 | Lung | ENCSR000BFR | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 801,098 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=AG08396;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonFibropag08396SimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Respiratory | Unknown | ENCODE AG08396 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFR] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG08396;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonFibropag08396SimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023962 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | AG08396 | Cell line | NTR:0000484 | Lung | ENCSR000BFR | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 800,056 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=AG08396;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonFibropag08396SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Respiratory | Unknown | ENCODE AG08396 (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFR] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG08396;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonFibropag08396SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023963 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | AG08396 | Cell line | NTR:0000484 | Lung | ENCSR000BFR | 3 | 3_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 799,127 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=AG08396;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonFibropag08396SimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Respiratory | Unknown | ENCODE AG08396 (repl. 3) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFR] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG08396;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=respiratory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonFibropag08396SimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023964 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | AG20443 | Cell line | NTR:0000485 | Skin | ENCSR000BFS | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 804,485 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=AG20443;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonFibropag20443SimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE AG20443 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFS] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG20443;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonFibropag20443SimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023965 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | AG20443 | Cell line | NTR:0000485 | Skin | ENCSR000BFS | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 797,738 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=AG20443;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonFibropag20443SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE AG20443 (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFS] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG20443;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonFibropag20443SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023966 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | AG20443 | Cell line | NTR:0000485 | Skin | ENCSR000BFS | 3 | 3_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 798,341 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=AG20443;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonFibropag20443SimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE AG20443 (repl. 3) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFS] [Orig: Biosample_summary=AG20443;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonFibropag20443SimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023967 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | H7-hESC | Stem cell | EFO:0005904 | Embryo | ENCSR000BFD | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 799,526 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=H7;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonH7esSimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;old_system_category=Stem Cell;premapping_cell_type=H7-hESC;tissue_of_origin=Embryo;old_tissue_category=Stem Cell;old_biosample_type=Cell line;old_life_stage=Stem Cell | Embryo | Embryonic | ENCODE H7-hESC (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFD] [Orig: Biosample_summary=H7;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonH7esSimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;old_system_category=Stem Cell;premapping_cell_type=H7-hESC;tissue_of_origin=Embryo;old_tissue_category=Stem Cell;old_biosample_type=Cell line;old_life_stage=Stem |
NGEN023968 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | H7-hESC | Stem cell | EFO:0005904 | Embryo | ENCSR000BFD | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 799,922 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=H7;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonH7esSimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;old_system_category=Stem Cell;premapping_cell_type=H7-hESC;tissue_of_origin=Embryo;old_tissue_category=Stem Cell;old_biosample_type=Cell line;old_life_stage=Stem Cell | Embryo | Embryonic | ENCODE H7-hESC (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFD] [Orig: Biosample_summary=H7;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonH7esSimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;old_system_category=Stem Cell;premapping_cell_type=H7-hESC;tissue_of_origin=Embryo;old_tissue_category=Stem Cell;old_biosample_type=Cell line;old_life_stage=Stem |
NGEN023969 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | H7-hESC | Stem cell | EFO:0005904 | Embryo | ENCSR000BFD | 3 | 3_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 801,850 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=H7;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonH7esSimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;old_system_category=Stem Cell;premapping_cell_type=H7-hESC;tissue_of_origin=Embryo;old_tissue_category=Stem Cell;old_biosample_type=Cell line;old_life_stage=Stem Cell | Embryo | Embryonic | ENCODE H7-hESC (repl. 3) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFD] [Orig: Biosample_summary=H7;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonH7esSimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;old_system_category=Stem Cell;premapping_cell_type=H7-hESC;tissue_of_origin=Embryo;old_tissue_category=Stem Cell;old_biosample_type=Cell line;old_life_stage=Stem |
NGEN023970 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | H9 | Stem cell | EFO:0003045 | Embryo | ENCSR000BEM | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 802,062 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=H9;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonH9esSimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;old_system_category=Stem Cell;premapping_cell_type=H9;tissue_of_origin=Embryo;old_tissue_category=Stem Cell;old_biosample_type=Cell line;old_life_stage=Stem Cell | Embryo | Embryonic | ENCODE H9 (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BEM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=H9;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonH9esSimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;old_system_category=Stem Cell;premapping_cell_type=H9;tissue_of_origin=Embryo;old_tissue_category=Stem Cell;old_biosample_type=Cell line;old_life_stage=Stem Cell] [Li |
NGEN023971 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | H9 | Stem cell | EFO:0003045 | Embryo | ENCSR000BEM | 3 | 3_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 798,434 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=H9;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonH9esSimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;old_system_category=Stem Cell;premapping_cell_type=H9;tissue_of_origin=Embryo;old_tissue_category=Stem Cell;old_biosample_type=Cell line;old_life_stage=Stem Cell | Embryo | Embryonic | ENCODE H9 (repl. 3) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BEM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=H9;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonH9esSimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;old_system_category=Stem Cell;premapping_cell_type=H9;tissue_of_origin=Embryo;old_tissue_category=Stem Cell;old_biosample_type=Cell line;old_life_stage=Stem Cell] [Li |
NGEN023972 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | HEK293T | Cell line | EFO:0001184 | Kidney | ENCSR000BFE | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 800,293 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=HEK293T;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=excretory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHek293tSimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Renal | Unknown | ENCODE HEK293T (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFE] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HEK293T;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=excretory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHek293tSimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023973 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | HEK293T | Cell line | EFO:0001184 | Kidney | ENCSR000BFE | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 798,794 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=HEK293T;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=excretory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHek293tSimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Renal | Unknown | ENCODE HEK293T (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFE] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HEK293T;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=excretory system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHek293tSimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023974 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | Hepatocyte | Primary cell | CL:0000182 | Liver | ENCSR000BER | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 800,377 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=Hepatocyte;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHepatoSimpleSignalRep1V2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=06/14/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE Hepatocyte (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BER] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Hepatocyte;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHepatoSimpleSignalRep1V2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=06/14/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023975 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | Hepatocyte | Primary cell | CL:0000182 | Liver | ENCSR000BER | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 802,625 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=Hepatocyte;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHepatoSimpleSignalRep2V2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=06/14/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE Hepatocyte (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BER] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Hepatocyte;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHepatoSimpleSignalRep2V2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=06/14/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023976 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | Myoblast | Primary cell | CL:0000056 | Skeletal Muscle | ENCSR000BFF | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 803,245 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=Myoblast;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHsmmfshdSimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Muscular | Unknown | ENCODE Myoblast (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFF] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Myoblast;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHsmmfshdSimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023977 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | Myoblast | Primary cell | CL:0000056 | Skeletal Muscle | ENCSR000BFF | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 803,008 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=Myoblast;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHsmmfshdSimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Muscular | Unknown | ENCODE Myoblast (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFF] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Myoblast;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHsmmfshdSimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023978 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | Myoblast | Primary cell | CL:0000056 | Skeletal Muscle | ENCSR000BFF | 3 | 3_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 804,409 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=Myoblast;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHsmmfshdSimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Muscular | Unknown | ENCODE Myoblast (repl. 3) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFF] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Myoblast;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHsmmfshdSimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023979 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | Myotube | In vitro differentiated cells | CL:0002372 | Skeletal Muscle | ENCSR000BFG | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 804,412 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=Myotube originated from myoblast;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHsmmtubefshdSimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Muscular | Unknown | ENCODE Myotube (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFG] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Myotube originated from myoblast;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHsmmtubefshdSimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023980 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | Myotube | In vitro differentiated cells | CL:0002372 | Skeletal Muscle | ENCSR000BFG | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 801,173 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=Myotube originated from myoblast;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHsmmtubefshdSimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Muscular | Unknown | ENCODE Myotube (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFG] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Myotube originated from myoblast;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHsmmtubefshdSimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023981 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | Myotube | In vitro differentiated cells | CL:0002372 | Skeletal Muscle | ENCSR000BFG | 3 | 3_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 806,277 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=Myotube originated from myoblast;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHsmmtubefshdSimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Muscular | Unknown | ENCODE Myotube (repl. 3) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFG] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Myotube originated from myoblast;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=musculature;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHsmmtubefshdSimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023982 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | HuH-7.5 | Cell line | EFO:0005704 | Liver | ENCSR000BET | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 797,737 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=HuH-7.5;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHuh75SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=06/14/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE HuH-7.5 (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BET] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HuH-7.5;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHuh75SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=06/14/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023983 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | HuH-7 | Cell line | EFO:0005384 | Liver | ENCSR000BES | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 795,149 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=HuH-7;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHuh7SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=06/14/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Digestive | Unknown | ENCODE HuH-7 (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BES] [Orig: Biosample_summary=HuH-7;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonHuh7SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=06/14/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023984 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | CWRU1 | Cell line | EFO:0009501 | iPSC | ENCSR000BFN | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 800,780 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=CWRU1;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonIpscwru1SimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Stem Cell | Unknown | ENCODE CWRU1 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFN] [Orig: Biosample_summary=CWRU1;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonIpscwru1SimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023985 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | CWRU1 | Cell line | EFO:0009501 | iPSC | ENCSR000BFN | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 797,808 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=CWRU1;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonIpscwru1SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Stem Cell | Unknown | ENCODE CWRU1 (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFN] [Orig: Biosample_summary=CWRU1;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonIpscwru1SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023986 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | iPS-NIHi11 | Cell line | EFO:0007952 | iPSC | ENCSR000BFO | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 800,621 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=iPS-NIHi11 originated from AG20443;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonIpsnihi11SimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Stem Cell | Unknown | ENCODE iPS-NIHi11 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=iPS-NIHi11 originated from AG20443;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonIpsnihi11SimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023987 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | iPS-NIHi11 | Cell line | EFO:0007952 | iPSC | ENCSR000BFO | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 799,238 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=iPS-NIHi11 originated from AG20443;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonIpsnihi11SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Stem Cell | Unknown | ENCODE iPS-NIHi11 (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=iPS-NIHi11 originated from AG20443;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonIpsnihi11SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023988 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | iPS-NIHi7 | Cell line | EFO:0007953 | iPSC | ENCSR000BFP | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 803,899 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=iPS-NIHi7 originated from AG08395;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonIpsnihi7SimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Stem Cell | Unknown | ENCODE iPS-NIHi7 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFP] [Orig: Biosample_summary=iPS-NIHi7 originated from AG08395;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonIpsnihi7SimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023989 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | iPS-NIHi7 | Cell line | EFO:0007953 | iPSC | ENCSR000BFP | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 799,407 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=iPS-NIHi7 originated from AG08395;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonIpsnihi7SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Stem Cell | Unknown | ENCODE iPS-NIHi7 (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFP] [Orig: Biosample_summary=iPS-NIHi7 originated from AG08395;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonIpsnihi7SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023990 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000BFH | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 798,355 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=K562 treated with 500 ?M sodium butyrate for 72 hours;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonK562NabutSimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFH] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 treated with 500 ?M sodium butyrate for 72 hours;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonK562NabutSimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023991 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000BFH | 3 | 3_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 798,556 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=K562 treated with 500 ?M sodium butyrate for 72 hours;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonK562NabutSimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 3) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFH] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 treated with 500 ?M sodium butyrate for 72 hours;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonK562NabutSimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023992 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000BFH | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 798,874 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=K562 treated with 500 ?M sodium butyrate for 72 hours;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonK562NabutSimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFH] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 treated with 500 ?M sodium butyrate for 72 hours;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonK562NabutSimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023993 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000BFH | 4 | 4_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 798,074 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=K562 treated with 500 ?M sodium butyrate for 72 hours;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonK562NabutSimpleSignalRep4.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 4) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFH] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 treated with 500 ?M sodium butyrate for 72 hours;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonK562NabutSimpleSignalRep4.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023994 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR000BEU | 4 | 4_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 796,534 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=K562;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonK562SimpleSignalRep4.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 4) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BEU] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonK562SimpleSignalRep4.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023995 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | MCF-7 | Cell line | EFO:0001203 | Breast | ENCSR000BFI | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 799,506 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=MCF-7 expressing RNAi targeting H. sapiens CTCF;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system,exocrine system;GM=[Method- RNAi|Category- interference];Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonMcf7CtcfshrnaSimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Unknown | ENCODE MCF-7 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFI] [Orig: Biosample_summary=MCF-7 expressing RNAi targeting H. sapiens CTCF;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system,exocrine system;GM=[Method- RNAi|Category- interference];Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonMcf7CtcfshrnaSimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023996 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | MCF-7 | Cell line | EFO:0001203 | Breast | ENCSR000BFI | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 798,608 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=MCF-7 expressing RNAi targeting H. sapiens CTCF;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system,exocrine system;GM=[Method- RNAi|Category- interference];Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonMcf7CtcfshrnaSimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Unknown | ENCODE MCF-7 (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFI] [Orig: Biosample_summary=MCF-7 expressing RNAi targeting H. sapiens CTCF;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system,exocrine system;GM=[Method- RNAi|Category- interference];Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonMcf7CtcfshrnaSimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023997 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | MCF-7 | Cell line | EFO:0001203 | Breast | ENCSR000BFI | 3 | 3_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 798,778 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=MCF-7 expressing RNAi targeting H. sapiens CTCF;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system,exocrine system;GM=[Method- RNAi|Category- interference];Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonMcf7CtcfshrnaSimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Unknown | ENCODE MCF-7 (repl. 3) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFI] [Orig: Biosample_summary=MCF-7 expressing RNAi targeting H. sapiens CTCF;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system,exocrine system;GM=[Method- RNAi|Category- interference];Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonMcf7CtcfshrnaSimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023998 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | MCF-7 | Cell line | EFO:0001203 | Breast | ENCSR000BFJ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 797,763 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=MCF-7 treated with 10 mM lactate for 24 hours;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system,exocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonMcf7HypoxlacSimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Unknown | ENCODE MCF-7 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFJ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=MCF-7 treated with 10 mM lactate for 24 hours;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system,exocrine system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonMcf7HypoxlacSimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN023999 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | MCF-7 | Cell line | EFO:0001203 | Breast | ENCSR000BFK | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 798,676 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=MCF-7 expressing RNAi;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system,exocrine system;GM=[Method- RNAi|Category- interference];Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonMcf7RandshrnaSimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Unknown | ENCODE MCF-7 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFK] [Orig: Biosample_summary=MCF-7 expressing RNAi;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system,exocrine system;GM=[Method- RNAi|Category- interference];Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonMcf7RandshrnaSimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024000 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | MCF-7 | Cell line | EFO:0001203 | Breast | ENCSR000BFK | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 798,723 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=MCF-7 expressing RNAi;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system,exocrine system;GM=[Method- RNAi|Category- interference];Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonMcf7RandshrnaSimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Unknown | ENCODE MCF-7 (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFK] [Orig: Biosample_summary=MCF-7 expressing RNAi;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system,exocrine system;GM=[Method- RNAi|Category- interference];Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonMcf7RandshrnaSimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024001 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | MCF-7 | Cell line | EFO:0001203 | Breast | ENCSR000BFK | 3 | 3_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 798,514 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=MCF-7 expressing RNAi;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system,exocrine system;GM=[Method- RNAi|Category- interference];Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonMcf7RandshrnaSimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Reproductive | Unknown | ENCODE MCF-7 (repl. 3) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFK] [Orig: Biosample_summary=MCF-7 expressing RNAi;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system,exocrine system;GM=[Method- RNAi|Category- interference];Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonMcf7RandshrnaSimpleSignalRep3.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024002 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | Mel-2183 | Cell line | EFO:0005706 | Skin | ENCSR000BFL | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 802,780 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=Mel-2183;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonMel2183SimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE Mel-2183 (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFL] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Mel-2183;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonMel2183SimpleSignalRep1.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024003 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | Mel-2183 | Cell line | EFO:0005706 | Skin | ENCSR000BFL | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 799,923 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=Mel-2183;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonMel2183SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Integumentary | Unknown | ENCODE Mel-2183 (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BFL] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Mel-2183;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=integumental system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonMel2183SimpleSignalRep2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=04/04/2012;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024004 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | Osteoblast | Primary cell | CL:0000062 | Bone | ENCSR000BED | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 797,972 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=Osteoblast;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=skeletal system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonOsteoSimpleSignalRep1V2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=06/14/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Skeletal | Unknown | ENCODE Osteoblast (repl. 1) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BED] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Osteoblast;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=skeletal system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonOsteoSimpleSignalRep1V2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=06/14/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
NGEN024005 | ENCODE | Download | 38,378 | 1,203,357,263 | exon quantifications | hg19 | Osteoblast | Primary cell | CL:0000062 | Bone | ENCSR000BED | 2 | 2_1 | Not applicable | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] | bed bedExonScore | 799,468 | 12/14/10 | 07/16/20 | Expression | RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications | Biosample_summary=Osteoblast;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=skeletal system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonOsteoSimpleSignalRep2V2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=06/14/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 | Skeletal | Unknown | ENCODE Osteoblast (repl. 2) RNA-microarray [transcription profiling by array assay] exon quantifications (bedExonScore) [Experiment: ENCSR000BED] [Orig: Biosample_summary=Osteoblast;Lab=Gregory Crawford, Duke;System=skeletal system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeDukeAffyExonOsteoSimpleSignalRep2V2.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=06/14/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19] [Life stage: Unknown] |
Showing records 1 to 100 out of 276
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