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For descriptions of the main output data types and data terms, please see data glossary, data terms, and references therein. For additional information, please also see data Summary page (‘Data description’ tab) and the About page.

#Identifier Data Source Download file Number of intervals bp covered Output type Genome build cell type Biosample type Biosamples term id Tissue category ENCODE Experiment id Biological replicate(s) Technical replicate Antibody Assay File format File size Release date Date added to FILER Data Category Genomic feature type Track Description system category Life Stage trackName
NGEN024598 ENCODE Download 65,565 19,375,394 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR914PJE 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,068,606 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48648183_48648200|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR914PJE] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN024622 ENCODE Download 114,471 38,787,312 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR622RJN 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,898,315 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5295512_5313859|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR622RJN] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN024691 ENCODE Download 71,913 21,681,503 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR744QGM 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,176,989 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 5_132155672_132156586|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR744QGM] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN024699 ENCODE Download 108,242 31,309,659 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR632CQZ 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,781,884 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48818860_48818878|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR632CQZ] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN025060 ENCODE Download 116,145 17,420,415 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR945ENZ 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,172,423 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5301890_5301909|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR945ENZ] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN025088 ENCODE Download 129,448 19,415,619 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR154AVE 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,305,130 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR154AVE] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN025208 ENCODE Download 63,619 9,533,749 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR374YBC 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 643,254 01/07/2019 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR374YBC] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN025362 ENCODE Download 71,127 10,665,528 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR485CIR 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 722,292 05/14/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 19_1279783_1280022|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR485CIR] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN025588 ENCODE Download 123,236 35,471,960 hotspots hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR154AVE 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 2,022,510 05/14/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR154AVE] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN025592 ENCODE Download 60,367 14,600,187 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR274JIR 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 980,460 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48818860_48818878|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR274JIR] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN025697 ENCODE Download 76,536 11,477,028 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR997TXZ 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 777,789 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48653368_48653547|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR997TXZ] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN025743 ENCODE Download 111,685 36,255,869 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR137EEM 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,822,467 01/07/2019 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309435_5309451|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR137EEM] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN025818 ENCODE Download 114,173 36,655,819 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR605SNG 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,889,030 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 17_38128743_38128759|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR605SNG] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN025833 ENCODE Download 39,285 5,892,074 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR064EFK 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 403,480 01/07/2019 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR064EFK] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN026041 ENCODE Download 102,193 32,598,308 hotspots hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR762CZT 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,673,606 07/25/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48470207_48470363|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR762CZT] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN026053 ENCODE Download 65,739 9,848,673 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR229PFU 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 664,508 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 9_100723434_100723450|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR229PFU] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN026159 ENCODE Download 84,053 12,604,374 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR518HJD 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 855,185 05/14/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR518HJD] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN026175 ENCODE Download 107,616 33,688,295 hotspots hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR901BRM 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,780,732 05/14/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 16_163443_163445|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR901BRM] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN026205 ENCODE Download 98,323 28,654,876 hotspots hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR272KNE 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,624,985 07/25/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR272KNE] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN026244 ENCODE Download 135,454 20,316,037 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR643OAB 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,366,355 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5295512_5313859|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=09/22/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR643OAB] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN026383 ENCODE Download 144,319 47,273,937 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR215FCQ 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 2,383,532 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48652984|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR215FCQ] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN026461 ENCODE Download 105,009 15,737,442 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR494CBV 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,054,852 01/07/2019 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5301895_5301910|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=01/08/2019;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR494CBV] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN026658 ENCODE Download 109,108 33,393,993 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR945ENZ 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,800,311 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5301890_5301909|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR945ENZ] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN026758 ENCODE Download 94,591 28,652,472 hotspots hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR423UEH 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,553,795 05/14/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR423UEH] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN026908 ENCODE Download 82,068 20,529,505 hotspots hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR514EOB 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,338,032 05/14/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 1_47677623_47677821|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR514EOB] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN027075 ENCODE Download 71,677 21,628,633 hotspots hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR744QGM 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,173,121 05/14/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 5_132155672_132156586|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR744QGM] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN027095 ENCODE Download 88,377 13,252,238 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR561XZU 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 900,998 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 5_132155672_132156586|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR561XZU] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN027149 ENCODE Download 114,738 17,207,980 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR818YUC 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,158,139 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 1_240883780_240883796|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR818YUC] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN027450 ENCODE Download 38,670 9,338,135 hotspots hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR064EFK 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 627,318 01/07/2019 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR064EFK] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN027596 ENCODE Download 112,783 16,916,214 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR967DXR 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,150,495 05/07/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48797877_48798090|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR967DXR] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN027615 ENCODE Download 108,190 16,226,807 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR873PLF 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,092,542 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 19_1279783_1280022|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR873PLF] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN027623 ENCODE Download 74,003 21,754,253 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR815JAA 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,209,476 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48798986_48799001|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR815JAA] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN027660 ENCODE Download 111,448 36,234,638 hotspots hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR137EEM 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,817,988 01/07/2019 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309435_5309451|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR137EEM] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN027663 ENCODE Download 68,899 10,329,125 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR914PJE 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 706,089 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48648183_48648200|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR914PJE] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN027818 ENCODE Download 110,126 16,517,595 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR101TGA 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,107,991 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48624125_48624294|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR101TGA] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN027819 ENCODE Download 82,244 25,436,102 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR141VJJ 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,363,914 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48653368_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR141VJJ] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN027851 ENCODE Download 93,872 36,829,158 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR494CBV 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,540,827 01/07/2019 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5301895_5301910|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=01/08/2019;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR494CBV] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN027915 ENCODE Download 155,273 23,286,681 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR215FCQ 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,572,431 05/14/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48652984|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR215FCQ] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN028065 ENCODE Download 94,810 28,703,929 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR423UEH 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,558,123 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR423UEH] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN028193 ENCODE Download 68,501 19,700,071 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR485CIR 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,123,275 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 19_1279783_1280022|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR485CIR] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN028289 ENCODE Download 76,466 11,465,482 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR744QGM 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 777,709 05/14/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 5_132155672_132156586|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR744QGM] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN028324 ENCODE Download 107,928 16,186,303 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR903BAY 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,104,556 01/07/2019 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 9_4763178_4763197|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=01/08/2019;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR903BAY] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN028418 ENCODE Download 100,902 15,131,800 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR423UEH 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,016,071 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR423UEH] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN028436 ENCODE Download 129,281 19,390,722 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR154AVE 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,303,869 05/14/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR154AVE] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN028474 ENCODE Download 83,301 24,991,497 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR561XZU 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,359,715 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 5_132155672_132156586|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR561XZU] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN028485 ENCODE Download 87,635 13,143,849 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR141VJJ 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 891,822 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48653368_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR141VJJ] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN028502 ENCODE Download 79,633 23,992,962 hotspots hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR518HJD 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,309,326 05/14/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR518HJD] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN028522 ENCODE Download 102,430 32,649,505 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR762CZT 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,677,939 07/25/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48470207_48470363|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR762CZT] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN028553 ENCODE Download 101,880 29,790,785 hotspots hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR873PLF 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,670,021 05/14/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 19_1279783_1280022|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR873PLF] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN028672 ENCODE Download 59,680 18,744,288 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR374YBC 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 970,488 01/07/2019 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR374YBC] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN028776 ENCODE Download 85,109 25,010,796 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR982JMP 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,403,023 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR982JMP] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN028832 ENCODE Download 109,893 16,481,041 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR527IGO 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,118,466 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48797877_48798090|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR527IGO] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN028931 ENCODE Download 103,587 15,536,460 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR272KNE 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,055,831 07/25/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR272KNE] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN028956 ENCODE Download 108,321 29,222,251 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR967DXR 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,773,886 05/07/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48797877_48798090|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR967DXR] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029003 ENCODE Download 154,909 23,234,114 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR324UCN 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,554,366 07/25/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48470207_48470363|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR324UCN] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029021 ENCODE Download 144,087 47,202,793 hotspots hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR215FCQ 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 2,380,216 05/14/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48652984|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR215FCQ] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029165 ENCODE Download 126,931 19,038,009 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR826CTO 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,276,102 05/14/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48624125_48624294|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR826CTO] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029173 ENCODE Download 117,113 17,565,376 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR901BRM 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,182,057 05/14/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 16_163443_163445|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR901BRM] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029235 ENCODE Download 52,156 7,819,165 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR165BGV 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 527,166 12/21/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309398_5309417|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR165BGV] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029269 ENCODE Download 131,040 40,906,836 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR048BUO 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 2,165,202 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48653547|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR048BUO] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029276 ENCODE Download 100,663 15,095,875 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR423UEH 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,013,984 05/14/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR423UEH] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029322 ENCODE Download 140,786 21,115,632 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR048BUO 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,422,441 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48653547|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR048BUO] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029374 ENCODE Download 98,554 28,714,533 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR272KNE 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,629,058 07/25/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR272KNE] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029429 ENCODE Download 87,484 13,121,157 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR141VJJ 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 890,270 05/14/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48653368_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR141VJJ] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029434 ENCODE Download 103,337 15,498,915 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR272KNE 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,053,265 07/25/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR272KNE] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029456 ENCODE Download 105,418 29,874,967 hotspots hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR527IGO 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,735,125 05/14/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48797877_48798090|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR527IGO] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029479 ENCODE Download 109,662 16,446,209 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR527IGO 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,116,048 05/14/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48797877_48798090|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR527IGO] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029509 ENCODE Download 96,515 14,475,576 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR577TXK 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 972,987 05/14/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48658991_48659154|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR577TXK] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029520 ENCODE Download 155,506 23,321,771 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR215FCQ 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,574,602 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48652984|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR215FCQ] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029599 ENCODE Download 48,220 16,022,886 hotspots hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR165BGV 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 792,200 12/21/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309398_5309417|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR165BGV] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029711 ENCODE Download 155,168 23,273,449 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR324UCN 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,557,401 07/25/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48470207_48470363|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR324UCN] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029797 ENCODE Download 39,418 5,911,874 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR064EFK 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 404,915 01/07/2019 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR064EFK] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN029926 ENCODE Download 78,722 21,757,665 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR447ULX 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,295,085 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 17_38128743_38128759|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR447ULX] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN030179 ENCODE Download 103,362 28,446,225 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR903BAY 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,692,404 01/07/2019 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 9_4763178_4763197|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=01/08/2019;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR903BAY] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN030226 ENCODE Download 84,290 12,639,691 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR518HJD 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 857,892 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR518HJD] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN030291 ENCODE Download 38,801 9,361,813 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR064EFK 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 630,089 01/07/2019 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR064EFK] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN030318 ENCODE Download 82,221 20,565,769 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR514EOB 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,340,276 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 1_47677623_47677821|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR514EOB] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN030343 ENCODE Download 109,953 16,491,694 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR101TGA 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,106,619 05/14/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48624125_48624294|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR101TGA] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN030436 ENCODE Download 120,075 18,000,130 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR137EEM 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,215,601 01/07/2019 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309435_5309451|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR137EEM] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN030443 ENCODE Download 116,477 36,739,191 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR826CTO 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,920,580 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48624125_48624294|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR826CTO] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN030445 ENCODE Download 83,014 24,486,952 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR167DFU 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,359,534 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48798950_48798965|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR167DFU] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN030447 ENCODE Download 81,399 12,207,420 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR447ULX 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 827,632 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 17_38128743_38128759|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR447ULX] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN030757 ENCODE Download 114,232 17,132,218 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR632CQZ 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,163,069 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48818860_48818878|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR632CQZ] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN030890 ENCODE Download 116,873 35,477,140 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR724SCF 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,925,533 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5301890_5301909|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR724SCF] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN030903 ENCODE Download 82,080 25,390,443 hotspots hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR141VJJ 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,360,426 05/14/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48653368_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR141VJJ] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN030964 ENCODE Download 103,786 29,878,927 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR101TGA 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,703,820 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48624125_48624294|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR101TGA] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN031085 ENCODE Download 81,613 28,155,804 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR636VCX 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,334,320 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 1_240883780_240883796|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR636VCX] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN031108 ENCODE Download 79,856 24,057,503 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR518HJD 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,312,359 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR518HJD] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN031122 ENCODE Download 72,098 22,600,918 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR997TXZ 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,187,660 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48653368_48653547|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR997TXZ] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN031191 ENCODE Download 142,738 44,345,228 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR324UCN 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 2,350,796 07/25/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48470207_48470363|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR324UCN] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN031281 ENCODE Download 84,948 24,989,807 hotspots hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR982JMP 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,401,108 05/14/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR982JMP] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN031512 ENCODE Download 84,359 12,652,532 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR514EOB 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 858,888 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 1_47677623_47677821|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR514EOB] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN031586 ENCODE Download 90,879 26,498,673 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR577TXK 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 1,496,946 05/04/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48658991_48659154|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR577TXK] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN031605 ENCODE Download 48,385 16,081,619 hotspots hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR165BGV 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed broadPeak 794,691 12/21/2018 07/16/2020 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309398_5309417|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR165BGV] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN031691 ENCODE Download 63,797 9,560,609 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR374YBC 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 645,123 01/07/2019 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR374YBC] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN031867 ENCODE Download 89,519 13,425,299 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR560CCF 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 906,342 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5301895_5301910|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR560CCF] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN031908 ENCODE Download 122,152 18,319,803 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR605SNG 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,232,956 05/04/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 17_38128743_38128759|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR605SNG] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN031964 ENCODE Download 90,499 13,573,605 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR982JMP 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 912,434 05/14/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR982JMP] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN031984 ENCODE Download 117,343 17,600,050 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR901BRM 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 1,184,353 05/09/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 16_163443_163445|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR901BRM] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN032122 ENCODE Download 52,354 7,848,586 peaks hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR165BGV 1 1_1 Not applicable GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] bed narrowPeak 529,662 12/21/2018 08/22/2024 Accessible chromatin GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309398_5309417|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38;schema=BED6+4 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR165BGV] [Life stage: Unknown]
Showing records 1 to 100 out of 137
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