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#Identifier | Data Source | Download file | Number of intervals | bp covered | Output type | Genome build | cell type | Biosample type | Biosamples term id | Tissue category | ENCODE Experiment id | Biological replicate(s) | Technical replicate | Antibody | Assay | File format | File size | Release date | Date added to FILER | Data Category | Genomic feature type | Track Description | system category | life stage | trackName |
NGEN024598 | ENCODE | Download | 65,565 | 19,375,394 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR914PJE | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,068,606 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48648183_48648200|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR914PJE] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48648183_48648200|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh3 |
NGEN024622 | ENCODE | Download | 114,471 | 38,787,312 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR622RJN | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,898,315 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5295512_5313859|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR622RJN] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5295512_5313859|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 |
NGEN024691 | ENCODE | Download | 71,913 | 21,681,503 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR744QGM | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,176,989 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 5_132155672_132156586|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR744QGM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 5_132155672_132156586|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRC |
NGEN024699 | ENCODE | Download | 108,242 | 31,309,659 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR632CQZ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,781,884 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48818860_48818878|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR632CQZ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48818860_48818878|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh3 |
NGEN025060 | ENCODE | Download | 116,145 | 17,420,415 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR945ENZ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,172,423 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5301890_5301909|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR945ENZ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5301890_5301909|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [Li |
NGEN025088 | ENCODE | Download | 129,448 | 19,415,619 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR154AVE | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,305,130 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR154AVE] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [L |
NGEN025208 | ENCODE | Download | 63,619 | 9,533,749 | peaks | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR374YBC | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 643,254 | 1/7/19 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR374YBC] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] [Life |
NGEN025362 | ENCODE | Download | 71,127 | 10,665,528 | peaks | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR485CIR | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 722,292 | 5/14/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 19_1279783_1280022|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR485CIR] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 19_1279783_1280022|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] [Life |
NGEN025588 | ENCODE | Download | 123,236 | 35,471,960 | hotspots | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR154AVE | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 2,022,510 | 5/14/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR154AVE] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] |
NGEN025592 | ENCODE | Download | 60,367 | 14,600,187 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR274JIR | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 980,460 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48818860_48818878|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR274JIR] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48818860_48818878|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh3 |
NGEN025697 | ENCODE | Download | 76,536 | 11,477,028 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR997TXZ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 777,789 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48653368_48653547|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR997TXZ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48653368_48653547|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] |
NGEN025743 | ENCODE | Download | 111,685 | 36,255,869 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR137EEM | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,822,467 | 1/7/19 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309435_5309451|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR137EEM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309435_5309451|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh |
NGEN025818 | ENCODE | Download | 114,173 | 36,655,819 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR605SNG | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,889,030 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 17_38128743_38128759|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR605SNG] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 17_38128743_38128759|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh |
NGEN025833 | ENCODE | Download | 39,285 | 5,892,074 | peaks | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR064EFK | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 403,480 | 1/7/19 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR064EFK] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] [Li |
NGEN026041 | ENCODE | Download | 102,193 | 32,598,308 | hotspots | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR762CZT | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,673,606 | 7/25/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48470207_48470363|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR762CZT] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48470207_48470363|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg1 |
NGEN026053 | ENCODE | Download | 65,739 | 9,848,673 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR229PFU | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 664,508 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 9_100723434_100723450|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR229PFU] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 9_100723434_100723450|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 |
NGEN026159 | ENCODE | Download | 84,053 | 12,604,374 | peaks | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR518HJD | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 855,185 | 5/14/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR518HJD] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] |
NGEN026175 | ENCODE | Download | 107,616 | 33,688,295 | hotspots | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR901BRM | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,780,732 | 5/14/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 16_163443_163445|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR901BRM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 16_163443_163445|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] [L |
NGEN026205 | ENCODE | Download | 98,323 | 28,654,876 | hotspots | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR272KNE | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,624,985 | 7/25/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR272KNE] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg1 |
NGEN026244 | ENCODE | Download | 135,454 | 20,316,037 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR643OAB | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,366,355 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5295512_5313859|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=09/22/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR643OAB] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5295512_5313859|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=09/22/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [ |
NGEN026383 | ENCODE | Download | 144,319 | 47,273,937 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR215FCQ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 2,383,532 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48652984|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR215FCQ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48652984|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh3 |
NGEN026461 | ENCODE | Download | 105,009 | 15,737,442 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR494CBV | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,054,852 | 1/7/19 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5301895_5301910|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=01/08/2019;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR494CBV] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5301895_5301910|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=01/08/2019;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [Li |
NGEN026658 | ENCODE | Download | 109,108 | 33,393,993 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR945ENZ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,800,311 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5301890_5301909|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR945ENZ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5301890_5301909|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 |
NGEN026758 | ENCODE | Download | 94,591 | 28,652,472 | hotspots | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR423UEH | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,553,795 | 5/14/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR423UEH] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg1 |
NGEN026908 | ENCODE | Download | 82,068 | 20,529,505 | hotspots | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR514EOB | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,338,032 | 5/14/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 1_47677623_47677821|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR514EOB] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 1_47677623_47677821|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg1 |
NGEN027075 | ENCODE | Download | 71,677 | 21,628,633 | hotspots | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR744QGM | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,173,121 | 5/14/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 5_132155672_132156586|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR744QGM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 5_132155672_132156586|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg1 |
NGEN027095 | ENCODE | Download | 88,377 | 13,252,238 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR561XZU | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 900,998 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 5_132155672_132156586|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR561XZU] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 5_132155672_132156586|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 |
NGEN027149 | ENCODE | Download | 114,738 | 17,207,980 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR818YUC | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,158,139 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 1_240883780_240883796|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR818YUC] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 1_240883780_240883796|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 |
NGEN027450 | ENCODE | Download | 38,670 | 9,338,135 | hotspots | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR064EFK | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 627,318 | 1/7/19 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR064EFK] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 |
NGEN027596 | ENCODE | Download | 112,783 | 16,916,214 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR967DXR | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,150,495 | 5/7/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48797877_48798090|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR967DXR] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48797877_48798090|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] |
NGEN027615 | ENCODE | Download | 108,190 | 16,226,807 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR873PLF | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,092,542 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 19_1279783_1280022|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR873PLF] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 19_1279783_1280022|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [ |
NGEN027623 | ENCODE | Download | 74,003 | 21,754,253 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR815JAA | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,209,476 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48798986_48799001|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR815JAA] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48798986_48799001|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRC |
NGEN027660 | ENCODE | Download | 111,448 | 36,234,638 | hotspots | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR137EEM | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,817,988 | 1/7/19 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309435_5309451|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR137EEM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309435_5309451|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 |
NGEN027663 | ENCODE | Download | 68,899 | 10,329,125 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR914PJE | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 706,089 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48648183_48648200|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR914PJE] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48648183_48648200|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [L |
NGEN027818 | ENCODE | Download | 110,126 | 16,517,595 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR101TGA | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,107,991 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48624125_48624294|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR101TGA] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48624125_48624294|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [L |
NGEN027819 | ENCODE | Download | 82,244 | 25,436,102 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR141VJJ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,363,914 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48653368_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR141VJJ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48653368_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh3 |
NGEN027851 | ENCODE | Download | 93,872 | 36,829,158 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR494CBV | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,540,827 | 1/7/19 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5301895_5301910|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=01/08/2019;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR494CBV] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5301895_5301910|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=01/08/2019;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 |
NGEN027915 | ENCODE | Download | 155,273 | 23,286,681 | peaks | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR215FCQ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,572,431 | 5/14/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48652984|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR215FCQ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48652984|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] [Lif |
NGEN028065 | ENCODE | Download | 94,810 | 28,703,929 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR423UEH | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,558,123 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR423UEH] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRC |
NGEN028193 | ENCODE | Download | 68,501 | 19,700,071 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR485CIR | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,123,275 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 19_1279783_1280022|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR485CIR] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 19_1279783_1280022|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 |
NGEN028289 | ENCODE | Download | 76,466 | 11,465,482 | peaks | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR744QGM | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 777,709 | 5/14/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 5_132155672_132156586|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR744QGM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 5_132155672_132156586|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] [L |
NGEN028324 | ENCODE | Download | 107,928 | 16,186,303 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR903BAY | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,104,556 | 1/7/19 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 9_4763178_4763197|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=01/08/2019;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR903BAY] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 9_4763178_4763197|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=01/08/2019;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [L |
NGEN028418 | ENCODE | Download | 100,902 | 15,131,800 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR423UEH | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,016,071 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR423UEH] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] |
NGEN028436 | ENCODE | Download | 129,281 | 19,390,722 | peaks | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR154AVE | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,303,869 | 5/14/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR154AVE] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] [Lif |
NGEN028474 | ENCODE | Download | 83,301 | 24,991,497 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR561XZU | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,359,715 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 5_132155672_132156586|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR561XZU] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 5_132155672_132156586|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 G |
NGEN028485 | ENCODE | Download | 87,635 | 13,143,849 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR141VJJ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 891,822 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48653368_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR141VJJ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48653368_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [L |
NGEN028502 | ENCODE | Download | 79,633 | 23,992,962 | hotspots | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR518HJD | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,309,326 | 5/14/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR518HJD] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 h |
NGEN028522 | ENCODE | Download | 102,430 | 32,649,505 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR762CZT | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,677,939 | 7/25/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48470207_48470363|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR762CZT] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48470207_48470363|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRC |
NGEN028553 | ENCODE | Download | 101,880 | 29,790,785 | hotspots | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR873PLF | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,670,021 | 5/14/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 19_1279783_1280022|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR873PLF] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 19_1279783_1280022|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 |
NGEN028672 | ENCODE | Download | 59,680 | 18,744,288 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR374YBC | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 970,488 | 1/7/19 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR374YBC] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 |
NGEN028776 | ENCODE | Download | 85,109 | 25,010,796 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR982JMP | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,403,023 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR982JMP] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh3 |
NGEN028832 | ENCODE | Download | 109,893 | 16,481,041 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR527IGO | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,118,466 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48797877_48798090|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR527IGO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48797877_48798090|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [L |
NGEN028931 | ENCODE | Download | 103,587 | 15,536,460 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR272KNE | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,055,831 | 7/25/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR272KNE] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] |
NGEN028956 | ENCODE | Download | 108,321 | 29,222,251 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR967DXR | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,773,886 | 5/7/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48797877_48798090|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR967DXR] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48797877_48798090|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRC |
NGEN029003 | ENCODE | Download | 154,909 | 23,234,114 | peaks | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR324UCN | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,554,366 | 7/25/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48470207_48470363|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR324UCN] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48470207_48470363|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] [Lif |
NGEN029021 | ENCODE | Download | 144,087 | 47,202,793 | hotspots | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR215FCQ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 2,380,216 | 5/14/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48652984|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR215FCQ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48652984|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] |
NGEN029165 | ENCODE | Download | 126,931 | 19,038,009 | peaks | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR826CTO | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,276,102 | 5/14/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48624125_48624294|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR826CTO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48624125_48624294|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] [L |
NGEN029173 | ENCODE | Download | 117,113 | 17,565,376 | peaks | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR901BRM | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,182,057 | 5/14/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 16_163443_163445|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR901BRM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 16_163443_163445|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] [Life s |
NGEN029235 | ENCODE | Download | 52,156 | 7,819,165 | peaks | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR165BGV | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 527,166 | 12/21/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309398_5309417|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR165BGV] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309398_5309417|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] [Life |
NGEN029269 | ENCODE | Download | 131,040 | 40,906,836 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR048BUO | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 2,165,202 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48653547|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR048BUO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48653547|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRC |
NGEN029276 | ENCODE | Download | 100,663 | 15,095,875 | peaks | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR423UEH | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,013,984 | 5/14/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR423UEH] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48641400_48641619|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] [L |
NGEN029322 | ENCODE | Download | 140,786 | 21,115,632 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR048BUO | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,422,441 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48653547|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR048BUO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48653547|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] |
NGEN029374 | ENCODE | Download | 98,554 | 28,714,533 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR272KNE | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,629,058 | 7/25/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR272KNE] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRC |
NGEN029429 | ENCODE | Download | 87,484 | 13,121,157 | peaks | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR141VJJ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 890,270 | 5/14/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48653368_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR141VJJ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48653368_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] [Lif |
NGEN029434 | ENCODE | Download | 103,337 | 15,498,915 | peaks | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR272KNE | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,053,265 | 7/25/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR272KNE] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] [L |
NGEN029456 | ENCODE | Download | 105,418 | 29,874,967 | hotspots | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR527IGO | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,735,125 | 5/14/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48797877_48798090|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR527IGO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48797877_48798090|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] |
NGEN029479 | ENCODE | Download | 109,662 | 16,446,209 | peaks | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR527IGO | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,116,048 | 5/14/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48797877_48798090|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR527IGO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48797877_48798090|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] [Lif |
NGEN029509 | ENCODE | Download | 96,515 | 14,475,576 | peaks | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR577TXK | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 972,987 | 5/14/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48658991_48659154|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR577TXK] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48658991_48659154|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] [Lif |
NGEN029520 | ENCODE | Download | 155,506 | 23,321,771 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR215FCQ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,574,602 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48652984|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR215FCQ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48652984|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [L |
NGEN029599 | ENCODE | Download | 48,220 | 16,022,886 | hotspots | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR165BGV | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 792,200 | 12/21/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309398_5309417|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR165BGV] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309398_5309417|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] |
NGEN029711 | ENCODE | Download | 155,168 | 23,273,449 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR324UCN | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,557,401 | 7/25/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48470207_48470363|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR324UCN] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48470207_48470363|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [L |
NGEN029797 | ENCODE | Download | 39,418 | 5,911,874 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR064EFK | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 404,915 | 1/7/19 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR064EFK] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [ |
NGEN029926 | ENCODE | Download | 78,722 | 21,757,665 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR447ULX | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,295,085 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 17_38128743_38128759|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR447ULX] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 17_38128743_38128759|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GR |
NGEN030179 | ENCODE | Download | 103,362 | 28,446,225 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR903BAY | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,692,404 | 1/7/19 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 9_4763178_4763197|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=01/08/2019;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR903BAY] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 9_4763178_4763197|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=01/08/2019;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh3 |
NGEN030226 | ENCODE | Download | 84,290 | 12,639,691 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR518HJD | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 857,892 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR518HJD] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 |
NGEN030291 | ENCODE | Download | 38,801 | 9,361,813 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR064EFK | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 630,089 | 1/7/19 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR064EFK] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh |
NGEN030318 | ENCODE | Download | 82,221 | 20,565,769 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR514EOB | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,340,276 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 1_47677623_47677821|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR514EOB] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 1_47677623_47677821|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRC |
NGEN030343 | ENCODE | Download | 109,953 | 16,491,694 | peaks | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR101TGA | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,106,619 | 5/14/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48624125_48624294|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR101TGA] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48624125_48624294|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] [Lif |
NGEN030436 | ENCODE | Download | 120,075 | 18,000,130 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR137EEM | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,215,601 | 1/7/19 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309435_5309451|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR137EEM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309435_5309451|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [ |
NGEN030443 | ENCODE | Download | 116,477 | 36,739,191 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR826CTO | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,920,580 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48624125_48624294|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR826CTO] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48624125_48624294|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRC |
NGEN030445 | ENCODE | Download | 83,014 | 24,486,952 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR167DFU | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,359,534 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48798950_48798965|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR167DFU] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48798950_48798965|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh3 |
NGEN030447 | ENCODE | Download | 81,399 | 12,207,420 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR447ULX | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 827,632 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 17_38128743_38128759|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR447ULX] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 17_38128743_38128759|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] |
NGEN030757 | ENCODE | Download | 114,232 | 17,132,218 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR632CQZ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,163,069 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48818860_48818878|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR632CQZ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48818860_48818878|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [L |
NGEN030890 | ENCODE | Download | 116,873 | 35,477,140 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR724SCF | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,925,533 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5301890_5301909|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR724SCF] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5301890_5301909|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh |
NGEN030903 | ENCODE | Download | 82,080 | 25,390,443 | hotspots | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR141VJJ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,360,426 | 5/14/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48653368_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR141VJJ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48653368_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] |
NGEN030964 | ENCODE | Download | 103,786 | 29,878,927 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR101TGA | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,703,820 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48624125_48624294|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR101TGA] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48624125_48624294|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh3 |
NGEN031085 | ENCODE | Download | 81,613 | 28,155,804 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR636VCX | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,334,320 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 1_240883780_240883796|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR636VCX] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 1_240883780_240883796|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRC |
NGEN031108 | ENCODE | Download | 79,856 | 24,057,503 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR518HJD | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,312,359 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR518HJD] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 2_204628220_204628649|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 G |
NGEN031122 | ENCODE | Download | 72,098 | 22,600,918 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR997TXZ | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,187,660 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48653368_48653547|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR997TXZ] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48653368_48653547|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/14/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRC |
NGEN031191 | ENCODE | Download | 142,738 | 44,345,228 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR324UCN | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 2,350,796 | 7/25/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48470207_48470363|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR324UCN] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48470207_48470363|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/26/2018;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh3 |
NGEN031281 | ENCODE | Download | 84,948 | 24,989,807 | hotspots | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR982JMP | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,401,108 | 5/14/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR982JMP] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] |
NGEN031512 | ENCODE | Download | 84,359 | 12,652,532 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR514EOB | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 858,888 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 1_47677623_47677821|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR514EOB] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 1_47677623_47677821|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] |
NGEN031586 | ENCODE | Download | 90,879 | 26,498,673 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR577TXK | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 1,496,946 | 5/4/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48658991_48659154|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR577TXK] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48658991_48659154|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh3 |
NGEN031605 | ENCODE | Download | 48,385 | 16,081,619 | hotspots | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR165BGV | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed broadPeak | 794,691 | 12/21/18 | 07/16/20 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309398_5309417|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] hotspots (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR165BGV] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309398_5309417|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 |
NGEN031691 | ENCODE | Download | 63,797 | 9,560,609 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR374YBC | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 645,123 | 1/7/19 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR374YBC] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5305999_5306050|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=08/31/2015;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [Li |
NGEN031867 | ENCODE | Download | 89,519 | 13,425,299 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR560CCF | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 906,342 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5301895_5301910|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR560CCF] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5301895_5301910|Zygosity- heterozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [ |
NGEN031908 | ENCODE | Download | 122,152 | 18,319,803 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR605SNG | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,232,956 | 5/4/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 17_38128743_38128759|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR605SNG] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 17_38128743_38128759|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [ |
NGEN031964 | ENCODE | Download | 90,499 | 13,573,605 | peaks | hg19 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR982JMP | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 912,434 | 5/14/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR982JMP] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 X_48652787_48653547|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=05/11/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19] [Lif |
NGEN031984 | ENCODE | Download | 117,343 | 17,600,050 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR901BRM | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 1,184,353 | 5/9/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 16_163443_163445|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR901BRM] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 16_163443_163445|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=07/20/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [Life |
NGEN032122 | ENCODE | Download | 52,354 | 7,848,586 | peaks | hg38 | K562 | Cell line | EFO:0002067 | Blood | ENCSR165BGV | 1 | 1_1 | Not applicable | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] | bed narrowPeak | 529,662 | 12/21/18 | 08/22/24 | Called peaks | GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks | Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309398_5309417|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 | Cardiovascular | Unknown | ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) GM DNase-seq [genetic modification followed by DNase-seq] peaks (narrowPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR165BGV] [Orig: Biosample_summary=K562 genetically modified (deletion) using TALEN;Lab=John Stamatoyannopoulos, UW;System=immune system;GM=[Method- TALEN|Category- deletion|Site coordinates- hg19 11_5309398_5309417|Zygosity- homozygous];;Experiment_date_released=11/02/2016;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38] [Li |
Showing records 1 to 100 out of 137
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