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For descriptions of the main output data types and data terms, please see data glossary, data terms, and references therein. For additional information, please also see data Summary page (‘Data description’ tab) and the About page.

#Identifier Data Source Download file Number of intervals bp covered Output type Genome build cell type Biosample type Biosamples term id Tissue category ENCODE Experiment id Biological replicate(s) Technical replicate Antibody Assay File format File size Release date Date added to FILER Data Category Genomic feature type Track Description system category Life Stage trackName
NGEN000298 ENCODE Download 209,654 17,635,469 predicted transcription start sites hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR000CII 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed bedRnaElements 4,201,007 02/10/2012 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq predicted transcription start sites Biosample_summary=K562 cytosolic fraction adult 53 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeRikenCageK562CytosolPamTssHmmV2.bedRnaElements.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 V7;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Adult ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq predicted transcription start sites (bedRnaElements) [Experiment: ENCSR000CII] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN000300 ENCODE Download 530,070 41,423,614 predicted transcription start sites hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR000CIJ 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed bedRnaElements 10,437,277 02/10/2012 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq predicted transcription start sites Biosample_summary=K562 nuclear fraction adult 53 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeRikenCageK562NucleusPamTssHmmV2.bedRnaElements.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19 V7;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Adult ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq predicted transcription start sites (bedRnaElements) [Experiment: ENCSR000CIJ] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN000470 ENCODE Download 18,760 1,617,983 transcription start sites hg19 Keratinocyte Primary cell CL:0000312 Skin ENCSR000CJR 4 4_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 979,050 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte nuclear fraction female;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system;;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Integumentary Unknown ENCODE Keratinocyte (repl. 4) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJR] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN000652 ENCODE Download 23,358 1,712,218 transcription start sites hg38 HepG2 Cell line EFO:0001187 Liver ENCSR000CIW 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 966,353 09/26/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=HepG2 cytosolic fraction child 15 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Digestive Child ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CIW] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN000688 ENCODE Download 4,949 362,335 transcription start sites hg19 Osteoblast Primary cell CL:0000062 Bone ENCSR000CKK 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 131,275 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Osteoblast female adult (56 years) and male adult (62 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=skeletal system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+8 Skeletal Adult ENCODE Osteoblast (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKK] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN000713 ENCODE Download 35,553 4,013,751 transcription start sites hg19 SK-N-SH Cell line EFO:0003072 Brain ENCSR000CLB 3 3_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 1,449,491 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=SK-N-SH nuclear fraction child 4 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=central nervous system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Nervous Child ENCODE SK-N-SH (repl. 3) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CLB] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN000846 ENCODE Download 6,434 600,461 transcription start sites hg38 CD14+ monocyte Primary cell CL:0001054 Blood ENCSR000CKW 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 168,786 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=CD14-positive monocyte female;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=immune system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+8 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE CD14+ monocyte (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKW] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN000848 ENCODE Download 14,827 1,069,988 transcription start sites hg38 SK-N-SH Cell line EFO:0003072 Brain ENCSR000CJU 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 803,689 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=SK-N-SH treated with 6 ?M all-trans-retinoic acid for 48 hours child 4 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=central nervous system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Nervous Child ENCODE SK-N-SH (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJU] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN000863 ENCODE Download 18,721 1,582,212 transcription start sites hg19 GM12878 Cell line EFO:0002784 Blood ENCSR000CIT 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 809,717 01/04/2017 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=GM12878 nucleolus fraction;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=immune system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CIT] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN000893 ENCODE Download 15,056 1,206,854 transcription start sites hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR000CIM 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 815,250 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=K562 nuclear fraction adult 53 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=immune system;;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Cardiovascular Adult ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CIM] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN000909 ENCODE Download 54 2,198 transcription start sites hg38 Dermal papilla cell Primary cell CL:0000346 Hair Follicle ENCSR000CKI 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 1,459 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Hair follicle dermal papilla cell female adult (47 years) and female adult (70 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;premapping_cell_type=Dermal papilla cell;tissue_of_origin=Hair follicle;schema=BED6+8 Integumentary Adult ENCODE Dermal papilla cell (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKI] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN001007 ENCODE Download 12,570 782,220 transcription start sites hg19 HepG2 Cell line EFO:0001187 Liver ENCSR000CJK 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 666,478 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=HepG2 cytosolic fraction child 15 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Digestive Child ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJK] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN001079 ENCODE Download 8,135 459,715 transcription start sites hg19 Osteoblast Primary cell CL:0000062 Bone ENCSR000CKK 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 479,774 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Osteoblast female adult (56 years) and male adult (62 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=skeletal system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Skeletal Adult ENCODE Osteoblast (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKK] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN001233 ENCODE Download 9,249 591,425 transcription start sites hg19 MCF-7 Cell line EFO:0001203 Breast ENCSR000CJO 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 506,289 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=MCF-7 adult 69 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system,exocrine system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Reproductive Adult ENCODE MCF-7 (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJO] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN001338 ENCODE Download 20,844 534,424 transcription start sites hg19 GM12878 Cell line EFO:0002784 Blood ENCSR000CIR 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 748,859 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=GM12878 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=immune system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CIR] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN001408 ENCODE Download 149 2,944 transcription start sites hg19 Endothelial cell Primary cell CL:0002545 Blood Vessel ENCSR000CKG 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 6,694 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Thoracic aorta endothelial cell female adult (22 years) and male adult (55 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=circulatory system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;premapping_cell_type=Endothelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Thoracic aorta;schema=BED6+5 Cardiovascular Adult ENCODE Endothelial cell (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKG] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN001447 ENCODE Download 11,382 1,147,025 transcription start sites hg19 HeLa-S3 Cell line EFO:0002791 Female Reproductive ENCSR000CJJ 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 297,305 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=HeLa-S3 adult 31 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=reproductive system;;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+8 Reproductive Adult ENCODE HeLa-S3 (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJJ] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN001517 ENCODE Download 265 5,585 transcription start sites hg38 Fibroblast Primary cell CL:0002547 Blood Vessel ENCSR000CKF 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 12,073 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Fibroblast of the aortic adventitia female adult (24 years) and male adult (47 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=circulatory system;;previous_filer_cell_type=Fibroblast of the aortic adventitia;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;premapping_cell_type=Fibroblast;tissue_of_origin=Aortic adventitia;schema=BED6+5 Cardiovascular Adult ENCODE Fibroblast (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKF] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN001569 ENCODE Download 13,473 1,006,420 transcription start sites hg19 CD14+ monocyte Primary cell CL:0001054 Blood ENCSR000CKW 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 668,042 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=CD14-positive monocyte female;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=immune system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE CD14+ monocyte (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKW] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN001589 ENCODE Download 13,515 1,062,222 transcription start sites hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR000CJN 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 743,181 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=K562 adult 53 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=immune system;;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Cardiovascular Adult ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJN] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN001593 ENCODE Download 23,637 2,506,819 transcription start sites hg38 Endothelial cell Primary cell CL:0002618 Umbilical Cord ENCSR000CJG 4 4_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 1,317,633 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Endothelial cell of umbilical vein nuclear fraction newborn;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=circulatory system,reproductive system;;previous_filer_cell_type=Endothelial cell of umbilical vein;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;premapping_cell_type=Endothelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Umbilical vein;schema=BED6+5 Embryo Newborn ENCODE Endothelial cell (repl. 4) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJG] [Life stage: Newborn]
NGEN001605 ENCODE Download 11,106 1,197,555 transcription start sites hg38 Keratinocyte Primary cell CL:0000312 Skin ENCSR000CJR 3, 4 3_1 ,4_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 289,643 09/26/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte nuclear fraction female;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system;;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+8 Integumentary Unknown ENCODE Keratinocyte (repl. 3, 4) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJR] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN001655 ENCODE Download 28,333 3,213,146 transcription start sites hg38 SK-N-SH Cell line EFO:0003072 Brain ENCSR000CLB 4 4_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 1,451,172 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=SK-N-SH nuclear fraction child 4 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=central nervous system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Nervous Child ENCODE SK-N-SH (repl. 4) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CLB] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN001710 ENCODE Download 12,344 1,222,939 transcription start sites hg19 GM12878 Cell line EFO:0002784 Blood ENCSR000CKA 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 318,493 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=GM12878;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=immune system;;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+8 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKA] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN001727 ENCODE Download 15,867 1,214,771 transcription start sites hg19 A549 Cell line EFO:0001086 Lung ENCSR000CJV 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 825,762 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=A549 adult 58 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=respiratory system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Respiratory Adult ENCODE A549 (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJV] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN001892 ENCODE Download 8,829 352,761 transcription start sites hg19 Melanocyte Primary cell CL:1000458 Skin ENCSR000CKZ 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 392,266 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Melanocyte of skin female adult (52 years) and male adult (55 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;previous_filer_celltype=Melanocyte;schema=BED6+5 Integumentary Adult ENCODE Melanocyte (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKZ] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN001937 ENCODE Download 9,827 827,778 transcription start sites hg38 Keratinocyte Primary cell CL:0000312 Skin ENCSR000CJP 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 255,557 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte female;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+8 Integumentary Unknown ENCODE Keratinocyte (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJP] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN002036 ENCODE Download 17,484 1,452,856 transcription start sites hg19 IMR-90 Cell line EFO:0001196 Lung ENCSR000CKR 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 947,837 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=IMR-90 cytosolic fraction embryonic 16 weeks;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=respiratory system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Respiratory Embryonic ENCODE IMR-90 (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKR] [Life stage: Embryonic]
NGEN002079 ENCODE Download 16,120 1,088,741 transcription start sites hg19 H1-hESC Stem cell EFO:0003042 Embryo ENCSR000CJC 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 918,500 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=H1 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;old_system_category=Stem Cell;premapping_cell_type=H1-hESC;tissue_of_origin=Embryo;old_tissue_category=Stem Cell;old_life_stage=Stem Cell;schema=BED6+5 Embryo Embryonic ENCODE H1-hESC (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJC] [Life stage: Embryonic]
NGEN002092 ENCODE Download 13,510 1,062,680 transcription start sites hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR000CJN 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 791,669 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=K562 adult 53 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=immune system;;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Cardiovascular Adult ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJN] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN002148 ENCODE Download 28,292 3,201,346 transcription start sites hg19 SK-N-SH Cell line EFO:0003072 Brain ENCSR000CLB 4 4_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 1,298,876 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=SK-N-SH nuclear fraction child 4 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=central nervous system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Nervous Child ENCODE SK-N-SH (repl. 4) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CLB] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN002159 ENCODE Download 246 5,606 transcription start sites hg38 Epithelial cell Primary cell CL:0002327 Breast ENCSR000CKJ 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 11,009 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Mammary epithelial cell female adult (23 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system,exocrine system;;previous_filer_cell_type=Mammary epithelial cell;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;premapping_cell_type=Epithelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Mammary;schema=BED6+5 Reproductive Adult ENCODE Epithelial cell (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKJ] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN002200 ENCODE Download 12,738 1,234,404 transcription start sites hg19 HepG2 Cell line EFO:0001187 Liver ENCSR000CJM 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 326,835 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=HepG2 child 15 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+8 Digestive Child ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJM] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN002206 ENCODE Download 12,006 1,796,538 transcription start sites hg19 SK-N-SH Cell line EFO:0003072 Brain ENCSR000CLB 3, 4 3_1 ,4_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 315,426 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=SK-N-SH nuclear fraction child 4 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=central nervous system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+8 Nervous Child ENCODE SK-N-SH (repl. 3, 4) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CLB] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN002230 ENCODE Download 16,898 1,286,818 transcription start sites hg19 Endothelial cell Primary cell CL:0002618 Umbilical Cord ENCSR000CJE 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 943,506 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Endothelial cell of umbilical vein male newborn and newborn;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=circulatory system,reproductive system;;previous_filer_cell_type=Endothelial cell of umbilical vein;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;premapping_cell_type=Endothelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Umbilical vein;schema=BED6+5 Embryo Newborn ENCODE Endothelial cell (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJE] [Life stage: Newborn]
NGEN002243 ENCODE Download 13,052 897,175 transcription start sites hg19 IMR-90 Cell line EFO:0001196 Lung ENCSR000CKT 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 702,585 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=IMR-90 embryonic 16 weeks;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=respiratory system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Respiratory Embryonic ENCODE IMR-90 (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKT] [Life stage: Embryonic]
NGEN002308 ENCODE Download 16,079 1,149,778 transcription start sites hg38 SK-N-SH Cell line EFO:0003072 Brain ENCSR000CJU 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 871,159 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=SK-N-SH treated with 6 ?M all-trans-retinoic acid for 48 hours child 4 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=central nervous system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Nervous Child ENCODE SK-N-SH (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJU] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN002311 ENCODE Download 13,200 1,502,824 transcription start sites hg38 HepG2 Cell line EFO:0001187 Liver ENCSR000CJL 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 344,365 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=HepG2 nuclear fraction child 15 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;GM=[Method- stable transfection|Category- insertion];;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+8 Digestive Child ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJL] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN002375 ENCODE Download 12,762 1,261,370 transcription start sites hg19 H1-hESC Stem cell EFO:0003042 Embryo ENCSR000CJB 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 330,988 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=H1;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;old_system_category=Stem Cell;premapping_cell_type=H1-hESC;tissue_of_origin=Embryo;old_tissue_category=Stem Cell;old_life_stage=Stem Cell;schema=BED6+8 Embryo Embryonic ENCODE H1-hESC (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJB] [Life stage: Embryonic]
NGEN002440 ENCODE Download 22,607 2,279,677 transcription start sites hg19 HepG2 Cell line EFO:0001187 Liver ENCSR000CJL 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 1,070,459 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=HepG2 nuclear fraction child 15 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;GM=[Method- stable transfection|Category- insertion];;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Digestive Child ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJL] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN002474 ENCODE Download 53 2,138 transcription start sites hg19 Dermal papilla cell Primary cell CL:0000346 Hair Follicle ENCSR000CKI 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 1,438 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Hair follicle dermal papilla cell female adult (47 years) and female adult (70 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;premapping_cell_type=Dermal papilla cell;tissue_of_origin=Hair follicle;schema=BED6+8 Integumentary Adult ENCODE Dermal papilla cell (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKI] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN002539 ENCODE Download 17,374 1,481,293 transcription start sites hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR000CIM 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 977,727 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=K562 nuclear fraction adult 53 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=immune system;;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Cardiovascular Adult ENCODE K562 (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CIM] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN002625 ENCODE Download 13,024 894,755 transcription start sites hg38 IMR-90 Cell line EFO:0001196 Lung ENCSR000CKT 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 744,167 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=IMR-90 embryonic 16 weeks;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=respiratory system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Respiratory Embryonic ENCODE IMR-90 (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKT] [Life stage: Embryonic]
NGEN002630 ENCODE Download 11,139 1,746,607 transcription start sites hg19 IMR-90 Cell line EFO:0001196 Lung ENCSR000CKS 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 294,424 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=IMR-90 nuclear fraction embryonic 16 weeks;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=respiratory system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+8 Respiratory Embryonic ENCODE IMR-90 (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKS] [Life stage: Embryonic]
NGEN002663 ENCODE Download 100 4,407 transcription start sites hg19 Epithelial cell Primary cell CL:0002577 Placenta ENCSR000CKM 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 2,614 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Placental epithelial cell female newborn and male newborn;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=reproductive system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;premapping_cell_type=Epithelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Placenta;old_tissue_category=Placenta;schema=BED6+8 Placental Newborn ENCODE Epithelial cell (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKM] [Life stage: Newborn]
NGEN002716 ENCODE Download 7,324 392,611 transcription start sites hg19 Osteoblast Primary cell CL:0000062 Bone ENCSR000CKK 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 425,337 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Osteoblast female adult (56 years) and male adult (62 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=skeletal system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Skeletal Adult ENCODE Osteoblast (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKK] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN002769 ENCODE Download 7,651 444,285 transcription start sites hg19 MCF-7 Cell line EFO:0001203 Breast ENCSR000CKU 4 4_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 466,888 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=MCF-7 cytosolic fraction adult 69 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system,exocrine system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Reproductive Adult ENCODE MCF-7 (repl. 4) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKU] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN002777 ENCODE Download 17,456 1,454,302 transcription start sites hg38 IMR-90 Cell line EFO:0001196 Lung ENCSR000CKR 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 1,026,876 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=IMR-90 cytosolic fraction embryonic 16 weeks;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=respiratory system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Respiratory Embryonic ENCODE IMR-90 (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKR] [Life stage: Embryonic]
NGEN002915 ENCODE Download 114 3,278 transcription start sites hg19 Endothelial cell Primary cell CL:0002545 Blood Vessel ENCSR000CKG 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 3,251 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Thoracic aorta endothelial cell female adult (22 years) and male adult (55 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=circulatory system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;premapping_cell_type=Endothelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Thoracic aorta;schema=BED6+8 Cardiovascular Adult ENCODE Endothelial cell (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKG] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN002965 ENCODE Download 16,703 1,120,309 transcription start sites hg38 GM12878 Cell line EFO:0002784 Blood ENCSR000CJZ 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 971,794 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=GM12878 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=immune system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJZ] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN003098 ENCODE Download 5,555 458,768 transcription start sites hg38 A549 Cell line EFO:0001086 Lung ENCSR000CKB 3, 4 3_1 ,4_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 147,694 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=A549 cytosolic fraction adult 58 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=respiratory system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+8 Respiratory Adult ENCODE A549 (repl. 3, 4) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKB] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN003101 ENCODE Download 10,898 742,107 transcription start sites hg38 SK-N-SH Cell line EFO:0003072 Brain ENCSR000CLC 4 4_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 696,715 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=SK-N-SH child 4 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=central nervous system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Nervous Child ENCODE SK-N-SH (repl. 4) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CLC] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN003152 ENCODE Download 43,905 6,450,080 transcription start sites hg19 A549 Cell line EFO:0001086 Lung ENCSR000CKC 4 4_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 1,895,460 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=A549 nuclear fraction adult 58 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=respiratory system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Respiratory Adult ENCODE A549 (repl. 4) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKC] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN003181 ENCODE Download 8,201 484,153 transcription start sites hg19 Keratinocyte Primary cell CL:0000312 Skin ENCSR000CJQ 4 4_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 399,336 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte cytosolic fraction female;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Integumentary Unknown ENCODE Keratinocyte (repl. 4) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJQ] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN003237 ENCODE Download 5,921 445,250 transcription start sites hg19 Skeletal muscle satellite cell Primary cell CL:0000594 Skeletal Muscle ENCSR000CLD 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 156,657 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Skeletal muscle satellite cell female adult (64 years) and male adult (21 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=musculature;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+8 Muscular Adult ENCODE Skeletal muscle satellite cell (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CLD] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN003310 ENCODE Download 8,385 458,758 transcription start sites hg19 Fibroblast Primary cell CL:0002558 Embryo ENCSR000CKP 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 489,925 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Fibroblast of villous mesenchyme female newborn and male newborn;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=reproductive system;;previous_filer_cell_type=Fibroblast of villous mesenchyme;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;premapping_cell_type=Fibroblast;tissue_of_origin=Villous mesenchyme;schema=BED6+5 Embryo Embryonic ENCODE Fibroblast (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKP] [Life stage: Embryonic]
NGEN003357 ENCODE Download 15,288 1,113,835 transcription start sites hg19 IMR-90 Cell line EFO:0001196 Lung ENCSR000CKT 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 842,709 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=IMR-90 embryonic 16 weeks;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=respiratory system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Respiratory Embryonic ENCODE IMR-90 (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKT] [Life stage: Embryonic]
NGEN003362 ENCODE Download 35,559 4,020,491 transcription start sites hg38 SK-N-SH Cell line EFO:0003072 Brain ENCSR000CLB 3 3_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 1,591,352 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=SK-N-SH nuclear fraction child 4 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=central nervous system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Nervous Child ENCODE SK-N-SH (repl. 3) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CLB] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN003406 ENCODE Download 5,227 268,037 transcription start sites hg19 Mesenchymal stem cell Stem cell CL:0002568 Connective Tissue ENCSR000CLG 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 296,139 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Mesenchymal stem cell of Wharton's jelly female newborn and male newborn;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;old_system_category=Embryo;premapping_cell_type=Mesenchymal stem cell;tissue_of_origin=Connective Tissue;old_tissue_category=Umbilical Cord;old_biosample_type=Stem cell;pre_origin_deriv_fix_system=Embryo;pre_origin_deriv_fix_tissue=Umbilical Cord;previous_ Skeletal Newborn ENCODE Mesenchymal stem cell (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CLG] [Life stage: Newborn]
NGEN003413 ENCODE Download 16,225 1,147,651 transcription start sites hg38 AG04450 Cell line EFO:0006270 Lung ENCSR000CJW 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 946,700 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=AG04450 embryonic 12 weeks;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=respiratory system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Respiratory Embryonic ENCODE AG04450 (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJW] [Life stage: Embryonic]
NGEN003415 ENCODE Download 14,993 1,201,861 transcription start sites hg38 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR000CIM 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 879,423 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=K562 nuclear fraction adult 53 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=immune system;;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Cardiovascular Adult ENCODE K562 (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CIM] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN003425 ENCODE Download 1,152 41,152 transcription start sites hg38 Epithelial cell Primary cell CL:0002577 Placenta ENCSR000CKM 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 52,985 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Placental epithelial cell female newborn and male newborn;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=reproductive system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;premapping_cell_type=Epithelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Placenta;old_tissue_category=Placenta;schema=BED6+5 Placental Newborn ENCODE Epithelial cell (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKM] [Life stage: Newborn]
NGEN003451 ENCODE Download 18,364 1,481,644 transcription start sites hg38 GM12878 Cell line EFO:0002784 Blood ENCSR000CKA 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 1,025,714 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=GM12878;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=immune system;;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKA] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN003452 ENCODE Download 10,241 862,743 transcription start sites hg19 SK-N-SH Cell line EFO:0003072 Brain ENCSR000CJU 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 263,889 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=SK-N-SH treated with 6 ?M all-trans-retinoic acid for 48 hours child 4 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=central nervous system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+8 Nervous Child ENCODE SK-N-SH (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJU] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN003470 ENCODE Download 11,649 788,682 transcription start sites hg19 BJ Cell line EFO:0002779 Connective Tissue ENCSR000CJX 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 620,054 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=BJ;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=reproductive system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Skeletal Unknown ENCODE BJ (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJX] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN003524 ENCODE Download 3,046 219,302 transcription start sites hg19 Melanocyte Primary cell CL:1000458 Skin ENCSR000CKZ 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 76,314 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Melanocyte of skin female adult (52 years) and male adult (55 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;previous_filer_celltype=Melanocyte;schema=BED6+8 Integumentary Adult ENCODE Melanocyte (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKZ] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN003534 ENCODE Download 19,078 1,524,426 transcription start sites hg38 HepG2 Cell line EFO:0001187 Liver ENCSR000CJM 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 1,069,500 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=HepG2 child 15 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Digestive Child ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJM] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN003656 ENCODE Download 16,856 1,502,548 transcription start sites hg19 Endothelial cell Primary cell CL:0002618 Umbilical Cord ENCSR000CIV 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 741,009 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Endothelial cell of umbilical vein cytosolic fraction male newborn;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=circulatory system,reproductive system;;previous_filer_cell_type=Endothelial cell of umbilical vein;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;premapping_cell_type=Endothelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Umbilical vein;schema=BED6+5 Embryo Newborn ENCODE Endothelial cell (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CIV] [Life stage: Newborn]
NGEN003662 ENCODE Download 4,984 264,634 transcription start sites hg19 Endothelial cell Primary cell CL:0002543 Blood Vessel ENCSR000CKN 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 293,283 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Vein endothelial cell male adult (48 years) and male adult (52 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=circulatory system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;premapping_cell_type=Endothelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Vein;schema=BED6+5 Cardiovascular Adult ENCODE Endothelial cell (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKN] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN003698 ENCODE Download 9,100 1,505,636 transcription start sites hg38 A549 Cell line EFO:0001086 Lung ENCSR000CKC 3, 4 3_1 ,4_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 243,298 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=A549 nuclear fraction adult 58 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=respiratory system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+8 Respiratory Adult ENCODE A549 (repl. 3, 4) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKC] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN003706 ENCODE Download 18,002 1,420,864 transcription start sites hg19 GM12878 Cell line EFO:0002784 Blood ENCSR000CKA 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 967,297 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=GM12878;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=immune system;;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKA] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN003753 ENCODE Download 20,214 1,711,390 transcription start sites hg19 H1-hESC Stem cell EFO:0003042 Embryo ENCSR000CJB 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 1,075,249 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=H1;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;old_system_category=Stem Cell;premapping_cell_type=H1-hESC;tissue_of_origin=Embryo;old_tissue_category=Stem Cell;old_life_stage=Stem Cell;schema=BED6+5 Embryo Embryonic ENCODE H1-hESC (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJB] [Life stage: Embryonic]
NGEN003875 ENCODE Download 7,145 399,099 transcription start sites hg19 Fibroblast Primary cell CL:0002551 Skin ENCSR000CKX 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 411,000 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Fibroblast of dermis female adult (44 years) and female adult (55 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system;;previous_filer_cell_type=Fibroblast of dermis;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;premapping_cell_type=Fibroblast;tissue_of_origin=Dermis;schema=BED6+5 Integumentary Adult ENCODE Fibroblast (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKX] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN003881 ENCODE Download 6,591 590,807 transcription start sites hg38 B cell Primary cell CL:0000236 Immune ENCSR000CKD 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 172,212 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=B cell female adult (27 years) and female adult (43 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=immune system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+8 Lymphatic Adult ENCODE B cell (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKD] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN003907 ENCODE Download 25,461 2,460,219 transcription start sites hg19 MCF-7 Cell line EFO:0001203 Breast ENCSR000CKV 3 3_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 1,056,080 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=MCF-7 nuclear fraction adult 69 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system,exocrine system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Reproductive Adult ENCODE MCF-7 (repl. 3) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKV] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN003929 ENCODE Download 9,082 748,383 transcription start sites hg19 HepG2 Cell line EFO:0001187 Liver ENCSR000CJK 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 234,797 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=HepG2 cytosolic fraction child 15 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+8 Digestive Child ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJK] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN003956 ENCODE Download 10,557 911,904 transcription start sites hg19 AG04450 Cell line EFO:0006270 Lung ENCSR000CJW 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 274,082 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=AG04450 embryonic 12 weeks;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=respiratory system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+8 Respiratory Embryonic ENCODE AG04450 (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJW] [Life stage: Embryonic]
NGEN003961 ENCODE Download 9,526 971,726 transcription start sites hg19 IMR-90 Cell line EFO:0001196 Lung ENCSR000CKR 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 249,907 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=IMR-90 cytosolic fraction embryonic 16 weeks;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=respiratory system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+8 Respiratory Embryonic ENCODE IMR-90 (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKR] [Life stage: Embryonic]
NGEN003962 ENCODE Download 578 14,378 transcription start sites hg19 Pericyte Primary cell CL:2000078 Placenta ENCSR000CKL 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 26,917 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Placental pericyte female newborn and male newborn;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=reproductive system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;premapping_cell_type=Pericyte;tissue_of_origin=Placenta;old_tissue_category=Placenta;schema=BED6+5 Placental Newborn ENCODE Pericyte (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKL] [Life stage: Newborn]
NGEN003966 ENCODE Download 5,350 385,559 transcription start sites hg38 Fibroblast Primary cell CL:0002558 Embryo ENCSR000CKP 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 141,634 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Fibroblast of villous mesenchyme female newborn and male newborn;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=reproductive system;;previous_filer_cell_type=Fibroblast of villous mesenchyme;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;premapping_cell_type=Fibroblast;tissue_of_origin=Villous mesenchyme;schema=BED6+8 Embryo Embryonic ENCODE Fibroblast (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKP] [Life stage: Embryonic]
NGEN004012 ENCODE Download 6,463 343,254 transcription start sites hg19 Fibroblast Primary cell CL:0002547 Blood Vessel ENCSR000CKF 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 298,797 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Fibroblast of the aortic adventitia female adult (24 years) and male adult (47 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=circulatory system;;previous_filer_cell_type=Fibroblast of the aortic adventitia;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;premapping_cell_type=Fibroblast;tissue_of_origin=Aortic adventitia;schema=BED6+5 Cardiovascular Adult ENCODE Fibroblast (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKF] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN004015 ENCODE Download 3,051 200,589 transcription start sites hg38 Endothelial cell Primary cell CL:0002543 Blood Vessel ENCSR000CKN 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 80,868 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Vein endothelial cell male adult (48 years) and male adult (52 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=circulatory system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;premapping_cell_type=Endothelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Vein;schema=BED6+8 Cardiovascular Adult ENCODE Endothelial cell (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKN] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN004022 ENCODE Download 8,320 783,399 transcription start sites hg19 IMR-90 Cell line EFO:0001196 Lung ENCSR000CKT 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 219,078 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=IMR-90 embryonic 16 weeks;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=respiratory system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+8 Respiratory Embryonic ENCODE IMR-90 (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKT] [Life stage: Embryonic]
NGEN004084 ENCODE Download 16,399 1,214,046 transcription start sites hg19 HeLa-S3 Cell line EFO:0002791 Female Reproductive ENCSR000CJJ 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 897,332 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=HeLa-S3 adult 31 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=reproductive system;;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Reproductive Adult ENCODE HeLa-S3 (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJJ] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN004128 ENCODE Download 1,143 40,805 transcription start sites hg19 Epithelial cell Primary cell CL:0002577 Placenta ENCSR000CKM 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 52,623 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Placental epithelial cell female newborn and male newborn;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=reproductive system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;premapping_cell_type=Epithelial cell;tissue_of_origin=Placenta;old_tissue_category=Placenta;schema=BED6+5 Placental Newborn ENCODE Epithelial cell (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKM] [Life stage: Newborn]
NGEN004155 ENCODE Download 7,653 385,785 transcription start sites hg19 Fibroblast Primary cell CL:0002551 Skin ENCSR000CKX 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 440,812 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Fibroblast of dermis female adult (44 years) and female adult (55 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system;;previous_filer_cell_type=Fibroblast of dermis;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;premapping_cell_type=Fibroblast;tissue_of_origin=Dermis;schema=BED6+5 Integumentary Adult ENCODE Fibroblast (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKX] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN004269 ENCODE Download 8,162 459,447 transcription start sites hg38 Osteoblast Primary cell CL:0000062 Bone ENCSR000CKK 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 501,403 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Osteoblast female adult (56 years) and male adult (62 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=skeletal system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Skeletal Adult ENCODE Osteoblast (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKK] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN004274 ENCODE Download 9,035 349,405 transcription start sites hg19 Melanocyte Primary cell CL:1000458 Skin ENCSR000CKY 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 403,954 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Melanocyte of skin male child (1 year) and male child (3 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;previous_filer_celltype=Melanocyte;schema=BED6+5 Integumentary Child ENCODE Melanocyte (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKY] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN004289 ENCODE Download 10,725 692,869 transcription start sites hg19 A549 Cell line EFO:0001086 Lung ENCSR000CJV 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 562,645 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=A549 adult 58 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=respiratory system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Respiratory Adult ENCODE A549 (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJV] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN004342 ENCODE Download 14,369 1,037,768 transcription start sites hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR000CJN 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 810,073 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=K562 adult 53 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=immune system;;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Cardiovascular Adult ENCODE K562 (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJN] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN004358 ENCODE Download 9,013 739,355 transcription start sites hg38 HepG2 Cell line EFO:0001187 Liver ENCSR000CJK 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 232,971 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=HepG2 cytosolic fraction child 15 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+8 Digestive Child ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJK] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN004423 ENCODE Download 8,841 356,299 transcription start sites hg38 Melanocyte Primary cell CL:1000458 Skin ENCSR000CKZ 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 401,362 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Melanocyte of skin female adult (52 years) and male adult (55 years);Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;previous_filer_celltype=Melanocyte;schema=BED6+5 Integumentary Adult ENCODE Melanocyte (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKZ] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN004456 ENCODE Download 6,606 377,683 transcription start sites hg38 MCF-7 Cell line EFO:0001203 Breast ENCSR000CKU 3 3_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 419,961 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=MCF-7 cytosolic fraction adult 69 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system,exocrine system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Reproductive Adult ENCODE MCF-7 (repl. 3) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CKU] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN004539 ENCODE Download 10,905 744,649 transcription start sites hg19 SK-N-SH Cell line EFO:0003072 Brain ENCSR000CLC 4 4_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 649,799 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=SK-N-SH child 4 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=central nervous system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Nervous Child ENCODE SK-N-SH (repl. 4) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CLC] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN004661 ENCODE Download 12,746 1,229,785 transcription start sites hg38 HepG2 Cell line EFO:0001187 Liver ENCSR000CJM 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 326,934 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=HepG2 child 15 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=digestive system,exocrine system,endocrine system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+8 Digestive Child ENCODE HepG2 (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJM] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN004678 ENCODE Download 16,396 1,212,403 transcription start sites hg38 HeLa-S3 Cell line EFO:0002791 Female Reproductive ENCSR000CJJ 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 953,917 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=HeLa-S3 adult 31 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=reproductive system;;Experiment_date_released=03/23/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Reproductive Adult ENCODE HeLa-S3 (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJJ] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN004688 ENCODE Download 6,853 672,740 transcription start sites hg38 MCF-7 Cell line EFO:0001203 Breast ENCSR000CJO 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed idr_peak 171,220 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=MCF-7 adult 69 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system,exocrine system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+8 Reproductive Adult ENCODE MCF-7 (repl. 1, 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (idr_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJO] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN004798 ENCODE Download 11,695 754,987 transcription start sites hg19 SK-N-SH Cell line EFO:0003072 Brain ENCSR000CLA 4 4_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 699,196 11/02/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=SK-N-SH cytosolic fraction child 4 years;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=central nervous system;;Experiment_date_released=05/02/2012;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 hg19 V19;schema=BED6+5 Nervous Child ENCODE SK-N-SH (repl. 4) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CLA] [Life stage: Child]
NGEN004840 ENCODE Download 20,870 530,922 transcription start sites hg38 GM12878 Cell line EFO:0002784 Blood ENCSR000CIR 1 1_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 748,017 09/26/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=GM12878 cytosolic fraction;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=immune system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CIR] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN004925 ENCODE Download 13,636 884,863 transcription start sites hg38 Keratinocyte Primary cell CL:0000312 Skin ENCSR000CJP 2 2_1 Not applicable CAGE-Seq bed tss_peak 801,253 08/04/2016 02/19/2019 TSS CAGE-Seq transcription start sites Biosample_summary=Keratinocyte female;Lab=Piero Carninci, RIKEN;System=integumental system;;Experiment_date_released=12/22/2011;File_analysis_title=ENCODE3 GRCh38 V24;schema=BED6+5 Integumentary Unknown ENCODE Keratinocyte (repl. 2) CAGE-Seq transcription start sites (tss_peak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CJP] [Life stage: Unknown]
Showing records 1 to 100 out of 568
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