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For descriptions of the main output data types and data terms, please see data glossary, data terms, and references therein. For additional information, please also see data Summary page (‘Data description’ tab) and the About page.

#Identifier Data Source Download file Number of intervals bp covered Output type Genome build cell type Biosample type Biosamples term id Tissue category ENCODE Experiment id Biological replicate(s) Technical replicate Antibody Assay File format File size Release date Date added to FILER Data Category Genomic feature type Track Description system category Life Stage trackName
NGEN000301 ENCODE Download 21,109 6,499,210 peaks hg19 GM12878 Cell line EFO:0002784 Blood ENCSR000CWW 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 ELAVL1 RIP-seq bed broadPeak 594,116 01/20/2011 02/19/2019 RNA binding RIP-seq peaks Biosample_summary=GM12878;Lab=Scott Tenenbaum, SUNY-Albany;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeSunyRipSeqGm12878Elavl1Pk.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=08/29/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1, 2) RIP-seq ELAVL1 peaks (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CWW] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN000302 ENCODE Download 13,138 3,445,307 peaks hg19 GM12878 Cell line EFO:0002784 Blood ENCSR000CWV 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 PABPC1 RIP-seq bed broadPeak 373,118 01/20/2011 02/19/2019 RNA binding RIP-seq peaks Biosample_summary=GM12878;Lab=Scott Tenenbaum, SUNY-Albany;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeSunyRipSeqGm12878Pabpc1Pk.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=08/29/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1, 2) RIP-seq PABPC1 peaks (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CWV] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN000303 ENCODE Download 20,609 5,379,655 peaks hg19 GM12878 Cell line EFO:0002784 Blood ENCSR000CWU 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Control RIP-seq bed broadPeak 566,846 01/20/2011 02/19/2019 RNA binding RIP-seq peaks Biosample_summary=GM12878;Lab=Scott Tenenbaum, SUNY-Albany;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeSunyRipSeqGm12878RipinputPk.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=08/29/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE GM12878 (repl. 1, 2) RIP-seq Control peaks (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CWU] [Life stage: Unknown]
NGEN000304 ENCODE Download 21,278 5,385,870 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR000CWZ 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 ELAVL1 RIP-seq bed broadPeak 595,518 01/20/2011 02/19/2019 RNA binding RIP-seq peaks Biosample_summary=K562 adult 53 years;Lab=Scott Tenenbaum, SUNY-Albany;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeSunyRipSeqK562Elavl1Pk.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=08/29/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Adult ENCODE K562 (repl. 1, 2) RIP-seq ELAVL1 peaks (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CWZ] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN000305 ENCODE Download 8,496 2,013,166 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR000CWY 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 PABPC1 RIP-seq bed broadPeak 242,085 01/20/2011 02/19/2019 RNA binding RIP-seq peaks Biosample_summary=K562 adult 53 years;Lab=Scott Tenenbaum, SUNY-Albany;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeSunyRipSeqK562Pabpc1Pk.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=08/29/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Adult ENCODE K562 (repl. 1, 2) RIP-seq PABPC1 peaks (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CWY] [Life stage: Adult]
NGEN000306 ENCODE Download 24,160 6,349,272 peaks hg19 K562 Cell line EFO:0002067 Blood ENCSR000CWX 1, 2 1_1 ,2_1 Control RIP-seq bed broadPeak 664,051 01/20/2011 02/19/2019 RNA binding RIP-seq peaks Biosample_summary=K562;Lab=Scott Tenenbaum, SUNY-Albany;System=immune system;Submitted_track_name=wgEncodeSunyRipSeqK562RipinputPk.broadPeak.bigBed;Experiment_date_released=08/29/2011;File_analysis_title=Lab custom hg19;schema=BED6+3 Cardiovascular Unknown ENCODE K562 (repl. 1, 2) RIP-seq Control peaks (broadPeak) [Experiment: ENCSR000CWX] [Life stage: Unknown]
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